Global Journal of Political Science and Administration (GJPSA)

EA Journals


Gender Based Violence in Nigeria: Exploring the Causes and Prevention in Bayelsa State (Published)

Gender based violence; especially violence against the female gender has continued to pose a problem not only to local communities but to national governments and the international community. This study, Gender Based Violence in Nigeria: Exploring the Causes and Prevention in Bayelsa State, examines the causes of gender based violence and the measures put in place by the government to prevent it.  What are the causes of gender based violence in Bayelsa State? The government of Bayelsa state have put in place several measures to combat and prevent gender based violence, including the domestication of the Child Rights Act and Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act (VAPP). However, despite the domestication of these legislations the phenomenon persists. The remoteness of communities and the difficulty in accessing them makes response to cases of gender based violence difficult in the State. The level of awareness is another challenge to the prevention of violence against women and girls in the state. If Bayelsa state must get it right strategic response centers must be established not only in the state capital but in the rural areas where most cases of gender based violence are not reported. The study employed Quantitative and qualitative methods, and the theoretical framework for the study is the radical feminist theory.

Keywords: Bayelsa, Nigeria, Women, gender-based violence

Women Participation in Politics and National Development (Published)

The contribution of women to the socio-economic and political development of any modern democratic state is essential and indispensable. This paper examines the extent of women participation in politics and national development in Nigeria. The study adopted secondary data as sources of information. The constraints of women participation inpolitics pose as hindrance to national developmentin Nigeria. It is discernible from this study that cultural, environmental, educational and gender factors are major barriers to active women participation inpolitics. It is part of the objectives of this work to realize active women participation in National political life for a sustainable National development.Government at all levels should embark on enlightenment campaign to sensitize the public on the need for more women to embrace and pursue education as this is a catalyst for active women participation inpolitics. It is also recommended that coercive legislations should be made at all levels against every form of discrimination against women.

Keywords: Development, National Development, Participation, Politics, Women

Appraisal of Cultural Vices Affecting Women and Children Human Rights in Nigeria (Published)

The crux of this paper aimed at defining the concept culture and Human Rights, and to large extend analysis the various cultural factors under mining the smooth thriving of women and children rights currently, the cultural factors are, widowhood rites, female genital mutilation, early/forceful marriage, bride price, son preference/female infanticide, levirate marriage, ritual killing, wife beating, inheritance of wife, woman in purdah, on the part of the children are twins killing, child  witchcraft ,child labour, street begging, child trafficking and finally possible solutions to ameliorate such cultural barriers by way of recommendation and conclusion

Keywords: Child Labour, Culture, Human Right, Nigeria, Women, children

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