Good Governance and National Development in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects (Published)
This paper examines the critical relationship between good governance and national development, with a focus on Nigeria’s unique challenges and prospects. Good governance, defined by transparency, accountability, adherence to the rule of law, and effective policies, is universally recognised as a driver of sustainable development. The paper adopted a qualitative approach with data drawn from scholarly publications, international indices, and government reports to provide empirical insights into global and Nigerian governance systems. The study integrates global perspectives, highlighting successful governance models in countries like Sweden, Singapore, and Rwanda, while contrasting them with governance failures in nations such as Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Nigeria, governance deficits, including corruption, institutional inefficiency, and infrastructural inadequacies, have hindered socio-economic progress. Despite being Africa’s largest economy, issues such as systemic corruption, mismanagement of public resources, and weak policy implementation persist. Transparency International ranked Nigeria 154th on the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index, with 63% of the population living in poverty and unemployment rates peaking at 33.3%. The paper identifies further challenges, including electoral malpractice, judicial inefficiency, insecurity, and infrastructural deficits, which collectively undermine governance effectiveness and development. The study employs Governance Theory and Sustainable Development Theory as frameworks to analyse the interplay between governance practices and development outcomes. Through these lenses, it explores key issues such as the impact of anti-corruption initiatives, social investment programmes like N-Power and Conditional Cash Transfers, and reforms in sectors such as health, infrastructure, and electoral processes. While acknowledging the limitations of these initiatives, the paper highlights prospects for improvement through strengthened institutional frameworks, equitable resource distribution, and inclusive governance. Recommendations include enhancing anti-corruption mechanisms, scaling up social protection programmes, prioritising infrastructure development through public-private partnerships, reforming electoral processes, and promoting inclusivity to address regional disparities. These strategies aim to bridge governance gaps and foster sustainable development. The study concludes that while Nigeria faces significant governance challenges, targeted reforms and institutional strengthening offer viable pathways to achieving long-term national development. It underscores the need for an integrated approach that prioritises transparency, equity, and socio-economic inclusivity, positioning governance as a pivotal factor in Nigeria’s quest for stability and prosperity.
Keywords: Good Governance, National Development
Politics, Good Governance and The Imperative of Leadership Mentoring (Published)
The success or failure of governance is determined primarily by the quality of leadership overseeing the affairs of the entity in question. In a democracy, good-governance is berthed when political leadership is nurtured from the onset by a deliberate leadership mentoring process that inculcates the values of transparency, accountability, responsibility, productivity and efficiency on the mentee. This paper in its hypothesis, ties up the three key variables of politics, good governance and leadership mentoring, proffering the latter as the foundational tonic needed to nurture, grow and institutionalise a culture of effective political leadership, good-governance and progressively-working institutions for the benefit of the nation (Nigeria) and its citizens. Case study examples are drawn from the People’s Republic of China and India as nations which have harnessed and optimised suitable leadership mentoring processes to raise and nurture leaders who have gone on to facilitate the growth and development of their respective nations. This paper, which harps on Nigeria, concludes by recommending the institutionalisation of structured leadership-mentoring schemes and their liberalisation nationwide as critical paths to nurturing upcoming and young actors across, political parties, civil society, educational institutions and the society in general, with the requisite leadership ethics, ethos, skill and capacity to positively impact governance for the good and development of the nation.
Keywords: Good Governance, Leadership, Politics, leadership-mentoring
Restructuring: Resolving the National Question in Nigeria (Published)
The paper titled “Restructuring Resolving the National Question in Nigeria” x-rays the challenges befacing the country in the quest for national unity and integration. The study using content analysis and qualitative research through adoption of secondary data and oral interview found amongst others the divergent and often contradictory opinions of Nigerian elites on wide range of issues such as national structure, fiscal federation, national security to mention but few. The primordial character of the ruling class, poor governance at all levels as well as selfish disposition of elites as largely responsible for the loud demand for restructuring. The study therefore concludes that the centrifugal tendencies of Nigerian ruling class is responsible for the outcry for restructuring. The study recommended amongst others the strengthening of institutions and governance mechanisms and behavioural modifications of Nigerians.
Keywords: Good Governance, National conference, National integration, Restructuring, federating units
Governance, Corruption and the Democratic Order in Africa: The Case of Nigeria (Published)
The triumph of the democratic order in Africa will depend to a large extent on the capacity of stakeholders to tackle the ravages of corruption. Across the continent, the quest for economic and political development had been hampered by corruption on the part of the leaders and followers, thus making the democratic enterprise appear as condemned to being subverted, as it turns out, from within. The scourge appears intractable due to its prevalence, thus, encumbering most States in the continent. For decades, Nigeria’s has been performing below average in the transparency international index of corruption. At some point, Nigeria was oscillating between the first and second most corrupt nation in the world. This unenviable status continues to assert negatively on the State and the growth of democracy despite the several strategies put in place by past and previous regimes to combat the scourge. This paper therefore considers the hindrances of corruption to the development of the democratic order and explores the imperative of good governance in remedying the malaise.
Keywords: Corruption, Democracy, Elections, Good Governance, Leadership
Challenges and Prospects of Good Governance in Reduction of Poverty: A Case Study of Buee Town 01 Kebele, Ethiopia (Published)
This research paper contains challenges and prospects of good governance in Buee town 01 Kebele, Ethiopia. At recent time the different definition of the term of good governance given by various international organizations and an attempt has been made to explain in detail the meaning, element and characteristics of good governance. Hence, the principles indicators of poverty reduction need to begin by looking at improvement of the standards of living of people given human needs fundamentals. This research paper used to follow the necessary procedure orderly written by designing background, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study and also used different research design and methodology of the study such as data source that includes primary and secondary source of data and sampling techniques, method of data collection. The major findings are concluded, lack of community participation in plant preparation, discontinuity of public utility, lack of efficient and effective service delivery to the community, lack of competent work force between the community, the Kebele’s manager is not elected by community and the concerned body is not created awareness to the community with the concept and elements of good governance that contribute in reduction of poverty. The researcher believes that reduction of poverty need the existence of practical of good governance more. The conclusions and recommendations have been put in brief manner.
Keywords: Competent, Good Governance, MDGs, Service delivery, Woreda, Zone
Good Governance: Role of Public Servants in Nigeria (Published)
Governance has become so vast and complex that the government of the people, for the people and by the people has become the government of the people, by the government and for the people. The logic behind the idea of governance supports the development of political and administrative structures that offer the potentials for political stability and national development. Public servant in this regard plays significant role for the successful achievement of good governance. This study is expected to explain the relationship between politicians, public servants and good governance while it further revealed the efficiency of the application of the law in force, the efficacy of the decisions made by government, and the political responsibility and accountability of elected officials in relation to the demand expressed by civil society. The study is qualitative in nature, as it based its theoretical framework on structural functionalism. It submits that there is need for full respect for citizen’s rights as the public service is a major change agent in Nigeria’s quest for enhanced progress, hence the on-going reformation of the Nigerian public service is in line to achieve the purpose of good governance and deal with the challenges therein.
Keywords: Good Governance, Political Office Holders, Public Servant, Relationship
Good Governance in Cameroon: Perceptions and Practice in an Emerging Cameroon By 2035 (Published)
With increasing pressure from the Breton woods and other international donor organizations for African states to move towards good governance, some of these countries including Cameroon are gradually attempting to institute reforms towards the attainment of these goals. Apart from instituting reforms that will grant free political participation, the government of Cameroon has also come up with the policy of regional balance that is intended to ensure a kind of equality in the distribution of what is commonly referred to as the National Cake. It is important to note that Cameroon is very diverse in terms of Ethnic nationalities and there is a gross disparity amongst these nationalities in terms of the natural distribution of resources. Some of the regions are naturally richer than others in terms of natural potentials and the government in her quest for good governance has come up with the theory of regional balance to guarantee fairness in the distribution of these resources. The paper is aimed at examining the perception of good governance in Cameroon and whether these perceptions actually match the practical implementation of this concept. The study equally looks at the instruments of good governance and the progress that has been attained since the introduction of the concept of good governance. The tenets of good governance, its features and the major obstacles to its application constitute the main trust of this research work. With regards to methodology, this study adopts a kind of inter-disciplinary design given that the study cuts across issues of geography, resource allocation and management, state policy and balanced development put in historical perspective. A qualitative instrument of analysis was adopted to give a critical insight to issues of governance in the society under study. In doing this a serious dichotomy is drawn between the perception of this policy and its practical application on ground.
Keywords: Balance Development, Cameroon, Good Governance, Management, Politics, Resource Allocation, State Policy
The study seeks to examine Local Government, Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: A Case Study of Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State (2001-2012). A sample of 400 respondents from 14 wards of Emohua Local Government Area in Rivers State was studied. Out of the 400 copies of questionnaire administered, 387 copies were retrieved and after going through them 381 copies (i.e. 95% response rate) were found useful for data analysis. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) was used to test the hypotheses. The study identified the key problems affecting good governance, sustainable development and the economic empowerment of the people in local government areas in Nigeria; to include: Lack of funds to execute local government programmes, Lack of employment opportunities, Bribery and corruption / incompetence, lack of transparency and accountability, lack of planning for Good Governance / public objectives, non-government co-operation on socio- economic issues for the citizenry / decisions poor capacity utilization. Indeed there is still loud yearning for good governance at the local government level. From this study it is evident and conclusive that: Good governance promotes sustainable development in Emohua Local Government Area, Good Governance encourages the economic empowerment of the people in local government areas. The study therefore recommends that: Instead of direct sharing or transfer of cash, local government should embark on programmes that can empower local citizenry. Equally, the controlling state governments should show good example in transparency and accountability to local political leaders. This will minimize corruption at local level. Finally, State governments should also desist from hijacking the functions of local government. It is by allowing local political leaders to discharge these functions while in office that they can master the ropes of governance.
Keywords: Good Governance, Local Government, Sustainable Development
Palestinian Dilemma, Tutelage, Guardianship, Nationalism, Sovereignty. (Review Completed - Accepted)
The study seeks to examine Local Government and Good Governance in Nigeria: A Case Study of Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State, (2004-2007). A sample of 400 respondents from 14 wards of Emohua Local Government Area in Rivers State, Nigeria was studied. Out of the 400 copies of questionnaire administered, 387 copies were retrieved and after going through them, 381 copies (i.e. 95% response rate) were found useful for data analysis. The study has identified the key problems affecting good governance, sustainable development and the economic empowerment of the people in local government areas in Nigeria; they include: Lack of funds to execute local government programmes, Lack of employment opportunities, Bribery and corruption / incompetence, lack of transparency and accountability, lack of planning for Good Governance / public objectives, non government co-operation on socio- economic issues for the citizenry / decisions poor capacity utilization. The attainment of good governance in Nigeria under the current democratic dispensation is a joint endeavour of the governmental tripod; Federal, State and Local governments. Local government has come a long way in the country. However, it is observable that local governments in the country are hardly effective and efficient. Indeed there is still loud yearning for good governance at the local government level. The study therefore recommends that: Instead of direct sharing or transfer of cash, local government should embark on programmes that can empower local citizenry. Equally, the controlling state governments should show good example in transparency and accountability to local political leaders. This will minimize corruption at local level. Finally, State governments should also desist from hijacking the functions of local government. It is by allowing local political leaders to discharge these functions while in office that they can master the ropes of governance.
Keywords: Good Governance, Local Government, Sustainable Development