Conflict Resolution Mechanism and Employee Commitment in Oil Producing Firms in Rivers State (Published)
This study was conducted to examine the influence of conflict resolution mechanism on employee commitment in Oil Producing firms in Rivers State. The study was based on a survey research design and made use of questionnaire in obtaining data from office resident employees serving in five Oil Producing firms in Rivers State of Nigeria. The population of study was 20,116 while its sample size determined through Taro Yamane sample size determination formular was 1793. The analysis of data was done with descriptive and inferential statistics. The former used percentage method while the latter used simple regression. The test of hypotheses in the study indicated that conflict resolution mechanism had a positive and significant influence on employee commitment in Oil Producing firms in Rivers State. The generalized model summary showed an R2 of 0.608. The model also showed a goodness of fit at 95 percent (p-value <0.05. Following this result, it is therefore safe to conclude that conflict resolution mechanism can determine employee commitment in Oil Producing firms particularly those of Rivers State of Nigeria. In line with the outcome of this study, it is recommended that Oil Producing firms in Rivers State should improve upon its conflict resolution mechanism particularly in the area of doing that promptly resolve conflicts in order to positively influence employee commitment.
Keywords: Employee Commitment, Nigeria, Rivers State, conflict resolution mechanism, oil producing firms
Effect of Workforce Diversity on Employee Responsiveness: Study of selected public organization in South East, Nigeria (Published)
Workforce diversity is essential for the functioning of organizations, particularly in the context of public organizations. The South East region of Nigeria boasts a heterogeneous workforce, with individuals from many origins making valuable contributions to the public sector. Nevertheless, a significant issue arises with the employees’ limited comprehension and recognition of workforce diversity. This could result in misunderstandings, prejudices, and disputes among employees, ultimately impairing both individual and organizational performance. This study employs a descriptive research methodology to investigate the influence of workforce diversity on employee responsiveness, 2000 respondents were purposively selected across South East, Nigeria. The study enquiries centre around the influence of diversity on prompt communication, problem-solving proficiency, adaptability to work circumstances, and collaboration among employees. The findings indicate that workforce with a variety of backgrounds and viewpoints contribute to a greater number of inventive solutions and imaginative concepts. Moreover, personnel with diverse origins provide varied cultural perspectives and sensitivities, which promote an inclusive atmosphere that supports open communication.
Keywords: Diversity, Employee, Nigeria, Responsiveness, South-East, Workforce
Human Resource Management (HRM) Functions in Organizational Development and Sustainability in Nigeria (Published)
As the issue of organizational competitiveness and sustainability in today’s business environment became crucial in all markets, the need to implement the strategic role of human resource management function in organizations becomes a prerequisite. The research problem defined by the authors refers to the definition of the roles that human management function performs in organizations in the Republic of Nigeria in order to examine the level of representation of the strategic role of human resource management function as a prerequisite for sustainability. The main objective of this paper was to define the characteristics of each of the three roles that the human resource management function plays in organizations in Nigeria. This will enable organizations to define more specifically the goals that need to be achieved in order to improve the role of the human resource management function from being administrative to operational and from operational to the strategic one, which is the basis for gaining a competitive advantage and sustainability. Human Resource Management (HRM) is an area of organizational science that deals with the study of all aspects of employment by implementing various activities aimed at aligning the interests of employees with the organization’s strategy.
[1] The role of the human resources management function has evolved over time from a traditional and exclusively administrative role, through the modern human resource management in which it had an operational role, up to the strategic role of integrating all activities with the strategic needs of an organization.
[2]. It is generally accepted that the basis for gaining a competitive advantage and sustainability is the implementation of the strategic role of human resource management in organizations.
[3]. Accordingly, the impact of the human resource management function is observed in relation to its strategic importance for the organization.
[4]. Depending on the various circumstances and levels of economic development, the role of human resource management was different. In market developed economies, the role of human resource management is an important strategic function, while in less developed economies, the role of human resource management was under a major influence of the government and administration.
[5]. The market of Nigeria, as well as markets of other countries in Central and Western Africa, are becoming attractive for foreign investments. Numerous studies of the role of human resource management function in Western and Central Africa, show a shift in focus from an administrative to a more modern approach to people management.
[6]. Since Nigeria became a member of the ECOWAS network, which deals with comparative research of human resource management practices as early as in 1975, with the aim of defining similarities and differences between different countries, primarily in Europe. Numerous researches show positive shifts towards a more modern role of human resource management in organization.
[7]. In the research of the impact of human resource management function in relation to its strategic importance for the organization and sustainability, three key issues were defined that are related to the place and status of the human resource management function in top management, the level of participation of the human resource management function in the development of the organization’s strategy and the level of participation of line managers in its evaluation and implementation.
By analyzing the research studies in Central and Western African countries, especially in Nigeria, Ghana, Benin Republic, Niger, Togo, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Angola and Gabon; the authors noticed that there are two key shortcomings. The first one refers to the insufficiently clear boundaries between the administrative, operational and strategic roles that the human resource management function plays in organizations in terms of its integration with the strategic needs and thus the impact it generates in organizations. Namely, the mentioned research studies were focused on the administrative (personnel) and strategic roles of the human resource management function in organizations, neglecting the third role which represents the second development phase in this field and function of human resource management, and which aims to develop and formalize the processes of human resource management in organizations. The second one refers to defining the characteristics of all three roles that the human resource management function performs in organizations.
In this paper, the authors focused on overcoming the identified shortcomings, and taking the work of Gooderham et al., and CRANET networks as a baseline for defining the strategic impact of the human resource management function. For research purposes, they defined the characteristics of all three roles and created an extended questionnaire intended to determine if the role of the human resource management function in an organization is administrative, operational (functional) or strategic. Defining the characteristics of each of the three roles that the human resource management function plays in organizations in Nigeria will enable organizations to define more specifically the goals that need to be achieved in order to improve the role of the human resource management function from being administrative to operational and from operational to the strategic one, which is the basis for gaining a competitive advantage and sustainability. Given that the research studies have shown that there are numerous differences that determine the role which the human resource management function assumes in an organization and thus also of the corresponding processes, the authors wanted to examine some of these specifics in the organizations in the Republic of Nigeria. The paper is structured in five parts. The first one deals with defining and analyzing the three basic roles that human resource management can play in an organization with an emphasis on the strategic role that, according to researches, affects the achieving of a competitive advantage and sustainability. In the second part of the paper, the authors introduce readers to the role and practices of human resource management in organizations in Nigeria. The third and fourth parts of the paper deal with research conducted in 86. organizations in Nigeria with the aim of determining the role of human resource management as well as defining the characteristics for each of the defined roles. The fifth part of the paper refers to the discussion about the results and the concluding considerations of the author.
Keywords: Functions, Human Resource Management (HRM), Nigeria, organizational development sustainability
Executive Compensation and Bank Performance in Nigeria (Published)
This study provides empirical evidence on executive compensation and bank performance. The objective of this study is to examine the influence director compensation, CEO compensation, chairman’s compensation and CEO ownership on bank performance. This study employed a quantitative and longitudinal research design in which secondary data were collected from the quoted banks in the Nigeria Stock Exchange from 2012 to 2016. Multiple regression technique, descriptive statistic, Pearson correlation matrix, Variance Inflation Factor for multicollinearity and Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Heteroskedasticity test for heteroskedasticity in the regression results the data analysis are performed using EViews 8.0 econometric software. The empirical results show that director compensation has a negative and insignificant influence on bank performance measured by return on equity, CEO compensation has a positive and a significant influence on bank performance, chairman compensation has a negative and a significant influence on bank performance, CEO ownership has a positive and insignificant influence on bank performance while the control variable, firm size has positive and insignificant influence on bank performance. The study recommended that quoted companies in Nigeria should be more concern of CEO ownership and compensation as it had a negative impact on the performance of the organization. The study recommends that quoted banks in Nigeria should be more concern of chairman’s compensation due to it negative influence on bank performance. The study also suggests that remuneration drive CEO motivation to enhance performance.
Keywords: Bank Performance, Compensation, Executive, Nigeria
Performance Management and Employee Retention in Commercial Banks in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria (Published)
In this study, the influence of performance management on employee retention in commercial banks in Akwa Ibom State was studied. The survey research design was considered and adopted in the study. The study had a population of 497. The sample size was 384 as determined through Cochran’s sample size determination formula. The sampling method employed in the study was random sampling. The questionnaire was used in data collection. Data obtained in the study were analyzed using simple regression method. It was established that performance management (Beta =0.046, t=4.182, p<0.05) has a significant influence on employee retention in commercial banks in Akwa Ibom State. It was concluded that performance management could account for employee retention in commercial banks in Akwa Ibom State. It was recommended that commercial banks in the state should strengthen their performance management practice as this had the capacity to influence employee retention.
Citation: Umana V.S., Umana E.S., Umoh V.A. (2022) Performance Management and Employee Retention in Commercial Banks in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, Global Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.10, No.6, pp.23-31
Keywords: Commercial Banks, Employee Retention, Nigeria, Performance Management.
Bureaucracy and Corporate Practice in Nigerian Universities (Published)
Granting his maiden interview as Registrar in a first generation federal university in Nigeria, an astute Administrator, who had suddenly come into awareness of the importance of his position and the urgency of reconstruction and rehabilitation, promised to restore ‘faith in the system’. One might wish to ask; what does it take to restore faith in the system?A SYSTEM is a form of mechanism based on the principles of complementarity and symbiosis. The interplay of these two principles energizes the system and makes it function maximally to achieve set goals. Where these structuring principles are lacking, the system would not be able to achieve and attain the heights necessary for its overwhelming success and for achieving the desired organizational goals. More importantly, the ‘workers’ of the system would feel less devoted and less bound to the system such that it would affect the overall productivity of service and consequently, dampen institutional spirit. This study focuses on the importance of building, maintaining and sustaining the consciousness of ‘faith’ in the university bureaucracy. It shall attempt to present in a nutshell the ideas behind bureaucracy, and the intent behind ‘street-level bureaucracy’ as it affects corporate practice in Nigerian universities. It shall further proceed to enumerate merits and de-merits of bureaucracy and its overall impact of university administration in Nigeria.
Keywords: Bureaucracy, Nigeria, Universities, corporate practice
Psychological Distress of Aguata Suburban Female Bankers, Anambra State, Nigeria: Interplay of Perceived Organizational Justice, Job-Related Tension, and Organizational Frustration (Published)
This study examined psychological distress of Aguata suburban female bankers, Anambra State, Nigeria, with the objectives of understanding the interplay of job-related tension, perceived organizational justice and organizational frustration, using 89 participants, age-ranged 26-56 years, mean age 39.19, and standard deviation 7.35, sampled through cluster sampling technique. Reliable/valid instruments used were Job-related Tension Scale, Perceived-Organizational Justice Scale, and Organizational Frustration Scale. Multiple regression statistic tested the hypotheses postulated. The findings were job-related tension had significant positive correlation and significantly predicted 50% with organizational frustration; as well as have negative correlation with perceived-organizational justice of the participants. Perceived-organizational justice did not significantly predict organizational frustration (21% only) of female bankers. Recommendations were: Psychological intervention mechanisms should be provided for bankers. Organizational justice policies need to be complimented with proaction facilitators to reduce psychological distress of female bankers.
Keywords: Nigeria, Psychological Distress, female-bankers, job-tension, organizational-frustration, organizational-justice
Leadership Behaviour Mutation for National Development (Published)
In recent times, ardent watchers and analysts of the Nigerian project have suggested that the country has endemic leadership issues with genetic foundations deeply rooted in Her DNA. Although this assertion has been sharply contested, the apparent malady in the current behaviours of persons in key leadership positions in the country seems to have assumed worrisome dimensions .The observed leadership behaviours have taken an impoverishing toll on the efforts at National Development. Thus, this work, in the bid to evolve persons with development –centric leadership behaviours, took an organic approach to attempt to resolve the underlying leadership malaise. This was done using metaphoric symbolisms and biological analogies to have an introspective view of aspects of molecular ecology. This dimension was adopted in order to explain how leadership behaviour mutation could counteract the prevailing leadership trend and provide actionable thoughts for the ultimate attainment of sustainable National Development.
Keywords: Behaviour, Development, Leadership, Mutation, Nigeria
Human Resources and Strategic Management for Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Akwa Ibom State Experience (Published)
Human resource and strategic management is one of the most important requirements for the sustenance of an economy, whether at micro or macro levels. It is a must for any society, country or even enterprise that wishes to survive under complex challenges of a dynamic as well as globalized world. The objective of this study was to examine human resources and strategic management for sustainable development in Nigeria drawing specifically from Akwa Ibom State experience. The study adopted a historical and descriptive research drawing data mostly from secondary sources. The study revealed that Akwa Ibom state government is committed to training its workforce in the critical areas of need such as science, technology and engineering as a core area for sustainable development. The study further revealed that where human resources capital are not strategically managed, it would stalled any meaningful development in the state. The study therefore recommended that the training and retraining of workforce in the state should be focus mostly on the critical areas of science, technology and engineering as against the present emphasis on general administration. Also, the workforce so train should be strategically managed to enhance sustainable development in the state.
Keywords: Akwa Ibom State, Human resource, Management, Nigeria, Sustainable Development
Workforce Diversity Management in Nigeria Public Service: Problems and Prospects (Published)
Workforce diversity management in general term has, become a crucial part of organizational competitiveness and effectiveness not just in Nigeria public service but in other large corporations globally. It is no doubt that diversity management is increasingly becoming a standard of human resources management in contemporary time. Socio-economic forces like globalization and the internationalization of public issues contribute to expand the flow of labour across ethnic and national boundaries and have facilitated the constant exchange of materials, as well as symbolic and human resource. To remain competitive and relevant, the Nigeria public service must acclimatize and manage these environmental socio-economic forces. But the new complexity of work operations demands more diverse functions and the use of more diverse talents. As the need for employee diversity increases, so do the demands, such as the need for effective interaction among diverse employees, this tendency is believed to have potential for conflict and schism among employees. Using the workforce management model this study attempts to highlight the salient feature of this process with a particular emphasis on the problems and prospects associated with workforce diversity management in Nigeria public service.
Keywords: Diversity Management, Nigeria, Public Service, Workforce