Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals


“Welcoming One Another” (Romans 14-15): A Paradigm for Mutual Cooperation Among Christians in Nigeria (Published)

Decades of discussions have occurred over whether Romans 1415 is directed to any particular circumstance in the Roman community, as it contains arguments similar to those found in 1 Corinthians 8-10. Some scholars feel it is a generic admonition, while others say it is a reply to the Roman community’s particular predicament. The concept of mutuality fits within the setting of Romans, and the chapters (Rom 1415) speak of Paul’s exhortations from the preceding chapters (Rom.1213) being applied contextually. In Nigerian churches/Christianity, the scenario of separation and categorization found in the Roman Church exists. Certain Christians have been labeled as “weak” or “strong” as a result of this; ethnicity and other factors are most likely to blame. As a result, the negative effects exceeded the favorable effects among Christians over the last few decades. This paper examines Paul’s style for eliciting mutual collaboration (brother/sister metaphor), arguing that if Christians read, comprehend, and embrace Paul’s call to welcome one another in Romans 1415, the walls of division will fall and mutual cooperation will ensue.

Keywords: Christians, Paradigm, another, mutual, welcome

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