Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals

north Central

The Relevance of Shari’ah to Curbing Insecurity in the North-Central Nigeria (Published)

The research is designed to establish the relevance of Shari’ah in curbing insecurity in the North-Central Nigeria with particular reference to Niger, Nasarawa and Plateau States. The study employed descriptive survey, various respondents comprising Islamic Religious Organizations, Muslim Law-enforcement agents, Shari’ah Court Judges and the Muslim society in the North-Central Zone.  Proportional sample technique was used to select five hundred and forty (540) for the study, while a total of fifty respondents from neighboring states of Niger for the purpose of pilot study. A reliability coefficient of 0.089 was obtained for all the forty-five (45) items in the instrument. The study found that there has been lack of commensurate disciplinary actions to crimes. The study also found that there is no proper knowledge and guidance of Islam. Added to these findings is that the entire life system of people is not guided by Shariah provisions. Based on this research, the researcher recommended among others that Shari’ah provisions should be well taught and understood with a view to curbing insecurity menace in the affected states.  Proper knowledge and guidance of Islam should be adhered to and imparted to people in the society with a view to curbing insecurity acts. Government in collaboration with stakeholders (community leaders, youth leaders and other leaders of Community based Organizations) should come up with lasting solutions to insecurity in their affected states and / or communities. Government should deploy security agents to insecurity vulnerable areas with a view to dislodging the banditry attacks.


Keywords: Insecurity, Nigeria, north Central, relevance of Shari’ah

Utilitarian Value of Ground Nut Among the Nupe Women of North Central Nigeria (Published)

Agriculture and manufacturing activities is as old as production of goods and services in African society. In the production of goods and services women formed a sizeable population of the labour force. This has not been an exception in Nupe land. The friendly nature of ecology of Nupe land made it possible for production of ground nut in large quantity that allowed for its utilization in different forms most especially by the women. Thus the plants, the nuts and the shell are used by women in different forms. It is on this premise that the study examined production, utilisation, marketing and consumption of groundnut among Nupe women. The study uses historical research methodology of oral interaction, reconnaissance survey and unpublished and published materials in collection of data and analyses. The study revealed that Nupe women played supportive role in cultivation through planting, harvesting, and separation of pod from plants to processing into different bye products and marketing.

Keywords: Nigeria, Utilitarian Value, ground nut, north Central, nupe women

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