Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals


Why Everybody Must Embrace Islam (Published)

People in terms of belief in God, can be divided into three groups, theism atheism and agnosticism. Theism is the belief in at least one deity.[1] Atheism is an absence of belief in the existence of deities.[2].  Agnosticism, is the view or belief that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable.[3] The majority of the people in the world are theists that are believers, and few are atheists that are nonbelievers. According to the Pew Research Center’s (2012) global study of 230 countries and territories, 16% of the world’s populations are not affiliated with any religion, while 84% are affiliated with a religion. [4]  This paper will analyze critically the truth about theism and atheism. It will explain why we should believe in one deity, and the superiority of Islam over other Religions. The paper will make a comparative analysis between theism and atheism, Islam and Christianity, and conclude why everybody should be a Muslim. Islam is always viewed as a problem. (Edis. T 2007). Lewis B.E& Churchill B.E (2008) affirmed that the knowledge of Islam is essential and unfortunately the knowledge is rarely available. So the paper will add to the public the knowledge of Islam all people must accept Islam.

Keywords: Belief, Christianity, Islam, Religion., atheism, monotheism, polytheism, theism

Cultism in Nigerian Schools, the Psychological and Religious Impacts (Published)

The menace of cultism in Nigerian schools has certainly emerged as one of the main social problems in contemporary Nigeria, with obvious psychological consequences. This paper therefore examines the impact of religion in combating the demented acts of cultism in Nigerian schools, using Islam and Christianity as the basis. Religion dictates to its followers basic values intended to guide people towards living an ideal life-style. In Nigeria, there are two dominant religions: Islam and Christianity. To these writers’ minds the two religions do not condone cultism. The core values of these religions are purity, chastity, honesty, integrity, quality of moderation and humility. After the analysis of the causes and psychological impact of cultism, it then concludes with the submission that the menace of cultism in Nigerian schools can be drastically reduced or eliminated through the internalization and inculcation of the fear of God in the minds of students.

Keywords: Christianity, Cultism, Islam, Religion and School.


This paper aims to study the issue of gender discrimination against Pakistani women presented in a film Bol directed by Mansoor. Feminist theory is used as major theoretical framework for the present research. The discourse is analyzed through qualitative method and descriptive analysis. Kristeva’s feministic assumptions regarding ‘Gender Discrimination’ are implied in theoretical background. Her notion of abjection as an explanation for oppression and discrimination helps to shed light on the oppression and subordination of women and man chauvinism which is strictly prohibited in Islam. Moreover this paper will discuss about the psychological and sexual violence.

Keywords: Discrimination, Feminism, Islam, Violence, oppression.


The continues encroachment by the US and its allies to challenge the Islamic form of government as alternative to the modern secular system coming at a time when both the West and Muslim scholars remain divided in their assessment of the Islamic system of democracy. Perhaps, unlike Christianity, Islam does not separate religion from state, and many Muslims argue it is a political Islam not political “Islam that requires explanation”. As such, many Islamist or Islamic political order (democratic parties) existed in almost every democracy with a Muslim majority. As a result, many Islamic groups are also working in different parts of world to adopt non violent resistance of Western political, social, cultural and technological ways of governance particularly so in Egypt, Algeria, Iran, and Turkey advocated and practiced “Westernization”. However, this has made them to become a disorder countries having deviated from the Islamic system of democracy. The pattern of western politics is completely different from the Islamic form of politics, where the mission and purpose are far ahead. While Islamic pattern of politics and other economic vices largely depicted in the Holy Qur’an and Sunna (tradition) of the prophet Muhammad (SAW), on the other hand, the western politics and other socioeconomic devices are purely derived from man-made laws which were designed only to perpetuate the interest of the West.

Keywords: Governance, Islam, Islamic Political Order, Politics, Secularism

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