European Journal of Training and Development Studies (EJTDS)

EA Journals


Line Managers’ Opinion on the Outcome of Management Development Programs of Ready-Made Garments Industries in Bangladesh (Published)

Management Development Program (MDP) is an effective educational intervention to facilitate learning opportunities for the management employees aiming to ensure continued organizational development. This study endeavored to assess the intended outcome of MDP conducted at Ready-made Garments (RMG) industries located inside the export processing zone of Chattogram, Bangladesh. The opinions of 56 senior line managers of five reputed RMGs were collected through a questionnaire survey. The findings of the study were shared with a six-member expert panel for validation of the responses. Results of the first study projects the absolute success of MDP in the area of organizational development. However, the RMG industries should make improvement in the area of management skill development particularly developing leadership skills. Management development is still a less utilized concept in most of the RMGs of Bangladesh. The results of this study may encourage the application of MDP that could be beneficial in overall organizational performance improvement.  


Keywords: Leadership, management development program, management skills and line managers, organizational development, ready-made garments

The effect of strategic leadership on knowledge sharing in the Jordanian government schools from the teacher’s point of view (Published)

The current study aimed to identify the impact of strategic leadership on knowledge sharing in Jordanian government schools from the teachers point of view, and to achieve the goals of the study, the researcher followed the descriptive survey approach, in terms of applying the study tool, which was represented in a questionnaire consisting of (20) paragraphs, On the sample, which amounted to (356) male and female teachers from government schools in the Jerash Education Directorate, the study reached a number of results, the most important of which were: The degree of Jordanian government school principals’ possession of strategic leadership skills from the teachers ’point of view is medium, and that there are statistically significant differences to the degree of The directors of Jordanian government schools have strategic leadership skills from the teachers ’point of view due to the variable of gender and experience, and there is a statistically significant effect of strategic leadership skills on knowledge sharing from the teachers’ point of view. The study recommended a number of recommendations, the most important of which was: The administrator’s awareness about the importance of adopting a strategic management method to stimulate knowledge sharing between them and the teachers.

Keywords: Knowledge Sharing, Leadership, Strategy, Teachers

The Influence of School Leadership on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Performance in Private Schools in Yei Town, South Sudan (Published)

Educational institutions have a significant impact on the future of a nation thus the school leadership are inevitably charged with the role of motivating and supporting teachers to enthusiastically work towards the realization of school objectives (educational objectives). This paper examines the influence of school leadership on teachers’ job satisfaction and performance. The study employed a survey design that was performed in private schools in Yei town, South Sudan. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the respondents.  Ten private schools were selected in the town from which 10 head teachers were considered for the study and a random sample of 100 teachers from each of the 10 schools. Data collected was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 12.0. Regression analysis was performed to establish the relationships among the variables. Leadership was found to influence teachers’ job satisfaction and performance in their respective private primary schools.

Keywords: Employee Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Leadership, Performance, Private Schools

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