European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (EJHTR)

EA Journals


Facilities, Customer Service and Leisure Guests’ Choice of Hotels: The View from Hotel Managers’ Side (Published)

A survey of 84 hotel managers in Awka metropolis, Anambra State, Nigeria was conducted in January and February, 2024 to test a model of consumer choice of hotels developed by Ogbunankwor and colleagues in 2023 in which two factors (facilities and customer service) predict consumer choice of hotels. Multiple regression analysis was employed to test the formulated hypotheses with the aid of SPSS Version 20.0 software at 5% level of significance. Findings indicate that the two factors tested, namely facilities and customer service influence leisure guests’ choice of hotels. More importantly, customer service has more influence than facilities. As a result, this finding contradicts previous research executed from a guests’ perspective by Ogbunankwor and colleagues in 2023 that found facilities to have more influence than customer service. That is to say, this study is a confirmation that hotel managers do not totally understand their guests. Although the model achieved a good fit, future research is needed to validate the model in other perspectives and future research is also needed to develop a comprehensive model of consumer choice of hotels. Implications for global and particularly Nigerian industry stakeholders are discussed.


Keywords: Choice, Customer Service, Hotel, Managers, facilities, leisure guests

The Influence of Cleanliness and Location on Consumer Choice of Hotels: A Nigerian Study (Published)

This study was conducted to establish a framework of the determinants of leisure guests’ choice of hotels in Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. The study became necessary owing to the fact that there is a dearth of empirical studies that examined the determinants of customer choice of hotels in any of the different segments of the hotel industry in the Nigerian context. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses with the aid of SPSS Version 20.0 software at 5% level of significance. The result from a convenience sample of 246 respondents who lodge in hotels in Awka metropolis show that the two factors investigated namely cleanliness and location influence consumer choice of hotels. More importantly, cleanliness has more influence than location. A key recommendation is that the regulator in the hospitality and tourism industry in Nigeria should liaise with health authorities to carry out periodic hygiene inspection on cleanliness and hygiene practices of hoteliers.


Keywords: Choice, Consumer, Hotel, Location, cleanliness, leisure guests

Social and infrastructural factors affecting tourist choice of destination in Delta State (Published)

The study: “social and infrastructural factors affecting tourist choice of destination in Delta State” was carried out in Gordon Hotel Resort, Abraka and source of River Ethiope, Umuaja in Delta State. It investigated the social and infrastructural indicators available in the host communities. The research design was a critical survey method. For data collection, the use of a simple random sampling technique gave a sample of 144 respondents. A semi-structured questionnaire was engaged to gather information from respondents. Data analyses were done by building the data into percentage, frequency tables, means standard deviation and Z-test were applied. Important findings revealed that male respondents (68%) were more than female with grater respondents (83%) who attained educational status of National Diplomat and above. Respondents majority (71%) were 30 years and above. The most significant social factors affecting tourism were friendly reception (mean = 3.32) and security and safety (mean = 3.31). While, the infrastructural factors in tourism dynamics were mostly good destination accessibility (means = 3.10) and mode of transport service (mean = 2.83). The study implied that well located tourism destination with good infrastructure and friendly environment inspires agricultural business set up. The study concluded that social and infrastructural factors contributed to tourists’ choice of desirable destination in the State. It was recommended that recreational facilities should be provided for maximum comfort.


Keywords: Choice, Infrastructure, Social, Tourist, destination

Cultural and Environmental factors influence on tourists’ choice of destination in Delta State, Nigeria (Published)

The study, cultural and environmental factors influence on tourists’ choice of destination in Delta State, Nigeria, was conducted in Gordon Hotel Resort, Abraka and the source of River Ethiope, Umuaja in Delta State. The study investigated factors that influenced tourist to visit the above destinations. Factors investigated were, cultural and environmental factors. The research design was a survey method using simple random sampling for data collection (n=180). Data collected were analyzed into percentage, frequencies means and Z-test was applied for the test of hypotheses. Uppermost findings revealed were that respondents’ males (78%), educated elites (59%) and adults (45 years) were more involved it tourism. Tourists were more attracted to the fauna ecosystem (mean = 2.91) of the environment than other endowments in THE study area. The most prominent cultural attraction was the cultural museum/monuments (mean = 2.96). The study implied that tourism destination with natural environment encourages agricultural investment. The study concluded that environmental and cultural endowments contributed to tourists’ choice of destination in Nigeria. It was recommended that more women and youth involvement in tourism so to increase income generation.

Keywords: Choice, Cultural, Environment, Tourist, destination

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