Board Structure and Accounting Conservatism in Listed Non-Financial Firms in Nigeria (Published)
The study examines the impact of board structure on accounting conservatism in listed non-financial firms in Nigeria. The longitudinal research design was adopted and the study covered the period from 2010-2019. study period, there are 75 quoted non-financial firms in the Nigerian Exchange Group classification and these will constitute the sample. In this study, secondary data, by way of annual reports and accounts of the sampled companies in Nigeria and some relevant Nigerian Exchange Group fact books were used to collect data. The effect of corporate governance structure on accounting conservatism was analysed using panel regression. This study employed descriptive statistical methods and includes descriptive techniques such as the mean, standard deviation, range, frequency distribution. More importantly, the random effects (RE) and fixed effects (FE) regression as estimated. The findings of the study reveals that Board size (BDS) has a significant impact on accounting conservatism particularly for Market to book (MTB) and income statement based indicators of accounting conservatism. Also, Board independence (BDIND) has a significant impact on accounting conservatism and this is persistent across all three measures of accounting conservatism used in the study. Board gender diversity (BGD) has a significant impact on accounting conservatism particularly, for accrual based indicators. Hence the study recommends the need for corporate boards to reflect and represent all significant stakeholder interests so that board decisions will not be skewed unhealthily. Therefore, the study recommends for the presence of more independent directors in corporate boards. The study recommends the need for an increase in the level of gender diversity in corporate boards. The study recommends that there is need for shareholders to look closely in order to monitor the practices of management.
Citation: Chiedu Christian O., Anichebe, S. A., Emeka-Nwokeji, N. A. (2022) Board Structure and Accounting Conservatism in Listed Non-Financial Firms in Nigeria, European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research, Vol.10, No. 3, pp.42-58
Keywords: Accounting Conservatism, Board Structure, Nigeria, Non-financial firms
National Budget Management and Economic Development in Nigeria (Published)
Citation: Ojomolade, Dele Jacob , Ugwulali, Ifeanyi Joseph &Adejuwon, Joshua Adewale (2022) National Budget Management and Economic Development in Nigeria, European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research, Vol.10, No. 3, pp.18-30
Abstract: This study examines the impact of national budget management on economic development in Nigeria emphasising the controversial issues of whether its impact is visibly seen or not on Nigeria’s development. Secondary data were sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin, 2020 and the data were analysed using co-integration and descriptive statistics. The results revealed long run relationship among the variables with ARDL bound test of F-statistic of 9.4 which is greater than the upper and lower bound while the R-squared is 85.2 and Adjusted R-squared is 70.4 which show those explanatory variables are jointly significant and estimated model is of good fit .The Durbin Watson is 1.7 and the Prob.(F-statistics) is less than 5% denoting absence of serial correlation. The study found out that Education and health have negative relationship with economic development in the Nigerian budgeting system, implying that increasing annual budget allocation results in decreasing proportion of education and health in the total national budget estimates. It was further found out that budget estimate and public debt payment services have positive relationship, implying that the more the budget estimates, the more the proportion of public debt services. The study concluded that the Nigerian government does not have enough budgetary allocation to education and health while substantial amount is being allocated to debt servicing. It is therefore recommended that Nigerian government should endeavor to develop human capital by increasing budget allocation to education and health to create a wealthy nation and sustainable development.
Keywords: Development, Economic, Government, Nigeria, national budget
A Review of Literature on the Concept, Motivations and Factors affecting the Successes of Veteran Entrepreneurs (Published)
The beam light is now shifting to veteran entrepreneurs because of their contribution to business creation. The life experience during military service provide veterans with certain capabilities and skills that are directly related to entrepreneurship. Although veterans’ entrepreneurship is a fast-growing domain in entrepreneurship literature, there is little systematic knowledge about it in developing nations like Nigeria, thus, creating a literature gap. This chapter fills the research void in Nigeria by extensively reviewing of literature on veteran entrepreneurship to enable an understanding of veteran experiences in the enterprise journey and as well as awaken researchers’ interest on the subject. The paper unravels the motivations of veterans in business. The paper also covers the concept of veteran entrepreneurship and factors affecting the successes of veteran entrepreneurs. This study is important as it informs policy makers the factors that influence veteran entrepreneurs to enable policy decisions that can mitigate veterans challenges in business.
Keywords: Motivational Factors, Nigeria, drivers of vetrepreneurs, military entrepreneurship, veteran entrepreneurs, vetrepreneurship
Dividend Tax Policy and Dividend Payout of Food and Beverages Firms in Nigeria (Published)
This study examined the effect of dividend tax policy on dividend payout in selected Nigerian food and beverages firms. The study employed a cross-sectional approach using both explanatory and exploratory design. Fifteen out of twenty one quoted food and beverages firms on the Nigeria stock exchange (NSE) as at December 2018 were randomly selected to constitute the study sample. Four hundred copies of structural questionnaire were distributed but only three hundred and twenty copies were correctly completed and useful for the analysis. The study revealed that dividend tax policy was significant on a dividend payout (f-statistic =27.52; p=0.000) with R-square =0.285. When the moderation variable effect (inflation) was considered, it was also found that dividend tax policy influenced dividend payout of the selected firms (F-statistic=15.89; p=0.000).The study further revealed that tax policy has significant effect on dividend payout in the selected firms. The study therefore recommended that management of firms should adopt more of stock dividend policy than cash concluded payout.
Keywords: Dividend payout, Nigeria, Tax Policy, dividend, food and beverages
Environmental Accounting and Reporting Practices: Significance and Issues and Journey Ahead in Nigeria Corporate Organisation (Published)
Environmental accounting and reporting practices as an emerging trending issue is dynamically fruitful to the fulfilment of the yearnings and aspirations of the key stakeholders in the corporate set up. It introduces transparency and accountability particularly in the area of resources management more so with natural resources. It involves the identification, measuring and controlling of costs, liabilities and consequentially assets that may be affected in the course of ordinary business and it encompasses sustainability reporting as well. A combination of primary and secondary data revealed that environmental accounting is still at infancy and the need for an implementation roadmap backed by the necessary statutes will be desired to ensure that all the accruable benefits of environmental accounting and reporting are enjoyed.
Keywords: Environmental Accounting, Nigeria, corporate organization, reporting practices
Board Diversity as Moderator on Firm Characteristics and Financial Performance of Listed Conglomerate Companies in Nigeria (Published)
Financial performance of companies has attracted a lot of attention globally from financial experts and management of firms as a result of 2008 global financial crisis and the failure of major companies. Prior studies on the effect of firm characteristics on financial performance have reported mixed and contradictory results suggesting the existence of certain factors that have not been factored in modeling the relationship. It is against this backdrop that this study examined the effects of firm characteristics on financial performance of listed conglomerate firms in Nigeria in the presence of board diversity. The population of the study consists of six (6) listed conglomerate firms in Nigeria as at 31st December 2017. The six (6) firms were selected to form the sample of the study for the period of eleven years (2007-2017). The census sampling technique was adopted for the study. Secondary data was extracted from the annual report and accounts of the sampled companies A multiple regression analysis was used to test the null hypotheses of the study. The Hausman test indicated random effect model as the appropriate model for the study. The results of study show that leverage has negative and significant effect on return on asset, while firm size and operating expense revealed an insignificant positive effect on return on asset. The sales growth shows a negative and insignificant effect on the return on asset. For model two, it also documented that foreign director positively and significantly moderates the relationship between leverage and sales growth to financial performance of the listed conglomerate firms in Nigeria. It is recommended among others that the management of conglomerate firms in Nigeria should make it mandatory to have an average of 32% of their board members as foreign directors. Also reduce their debt structure to avoid high cost of operation
Keywords: Financial Performance, Nigeria, board diversity, conglomerate companies, firm characteristics
Effect of Dividend Policy on Shareholders Wealth in Nigeria (1986 To 2016) (Published)
This study investigated the effect of dividend policy on shareholders wealth in Nigeria. Data were generated on market price per share (MPS), dividend per share (DPS), net asset per share (NAPS) and earnings per share (EPS) from annual report and accounts of twenty five quoted companies in Nigeria stock exchange (NSE) Fact book and daily official list. To analyze the data, the statistical tools that have been used are ordinary least square regressions (OLS), unit root tests, Johansen cointegration and error correction model (ECM) for predicting the dividend policy effect on shareholder’s wealth. The significance of the various explanatory variables has been tested by computing t-values. To determine the proportion of explained variation in the dependent variable, the coefficient of determination (R2) has been worked out. The significance of R2 has also been tested with the help of F-value. The results show that most of the variable except dividend per share had significant relationship with market price per share. The R2 and F-test shows that earnings, dividend and net assets has combined effect on market price of shares but none of these variables has direct independent influence in determining the price of share in the stock market. This paper, therefore conclude that dividend payout does not have effect on shareholders wealth and shareholders do not react to dividend information. It was therefore recommended that firms operating under this environment should ignore distribution of earning and concentrate with investments that will boost net assets.
Keywords: Dividend Policy, Nigeria, Shareholders Wealth
Cashless Policy and the Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria (Published)
The main objective of the study is to investigate the effect of cashless policy on the performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria (2009-2018). The specific objectives are to: Investigate the effect of automated teller machine, examine the effect of point of sale, assess the effect of mobile banking, and to examine the effect of internet banking respectively on the performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. We employed Econometric techniques involving Descriptive Statistics, Augmented Dicker Fuller and Philip Perron Tests for Unit Roots and the Autoregressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) for cointegration and coefficient analysis. The result of the study indicates that Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and Internet Banking each has a positive and significant effect on return on equity (ROE). Point of Sale (POS) has a positive but insignificant effect on return on equity, while Mobile Banking (MB has a negative and statistically significant effect on ROE, The study thus concludes that cashless policy has positively affected the performance of money deposit banks in Nigeria. The study recommends that government should provide uninterrupted power supply and adequate communication link while shortfalls should be covered by banks through back-up arrangement to power standby generator in case of power outage.
Keywords: Automated Teller Machine, Internet Banking, Nigeria, economic growth, mobile banking, point of sale
Firms Debt Structure and Shareholder Returns: Moderating Role of Foreign Director of Multinational Companies in Nigeria (Published)
Financing decision is one of the important areas in managerial finance to increase shareholders’ wealth. Firms can use either debt or capital to finance their business. This study uses two-stage least squares model and examines the impact of foreign directors as moderating variable on the relationship between firm debt structure and shareholders’ returns of quoted multinational firms in Nigeria. Secondary data were extracted from the annual reports of six (6) most active quoted multinationals firms on the Nigerian Stock Exchange for the period 2006 to 2018. After running the OLS regression, a robustness test was conducted for validity of statistical inferences. A multiple regression was employed using PCSE regression model and FGLS regression model respectively for model one and two. The study documents in model one that debt to total asset has a positive and significant effect on shareholder returns while debt to equity and debt to turnover have negative and significant effect on shareholders returns though foreign director has no significant impact of shareholder returns. The model two, revealed the moderating role of foreign director, where the debt to equity has a positive and significant effect on shareholder returns while debt to turnover revealed a negative and significant effect on the return to shareholder funds. Though, debt to total asset has no significant effect on shareholders returns. In line with the findings, the study recommended that board of directors of the study firms should ensure that listed multinationals firms in Nigeria should appoint foreigner in their board composition so that the interest of various shareholder’s would be fully protected by avoiding unnecessary debt and proper management of the company debt file and sales improve upon their turnover and reduction of unnecessary cost.
Keywords: Multinational Firms, Nigeria, debt structure, shareholder returns
Integrated Reporting and Implications for Accounting Curriculum in Nigeria (Published)
Integrated reporting (<IR>) has been promoted by influential international organisations as the communication vehicle that provides concise, future-oriented and strategically relevant information and integrates financial, social and environmental elements to providers of the capitals and other interested parties. Increasing adoption of <IR> globally envisages significant implications for accounting education and the accounting curriculum, for both professional and academic training necessary for the “new” corporate reporting protocol. This paper reviews integrated reporting literature to access the principles and frameworks and outputs articulated by these influential organisations. In view of the suggested reporting outcomes, fundamental guiding principles and the main components of an integrated report, it is envisaged that the “new” accounting curricula would focus more on the longer-term than the shorter-term, more on corporate strategic outlook than operational or transactional processes; more prospective rather than retrospective analysis and reporting on wider business performance metrics than on narrower external financial reporting data or audit compliance. While leading global professional accountancy bodies (e.g., ACCA & CIMA) have already fully incorporated integrated reporting principles within their curriculum at the professional level, only few universities outside Nigeria have incorporated integrated reporting principles or learning outcomes within their existing curriculum. The paper calls on Accounting Departments of universities to incorporate <IR> principles into their course offerings.
Keywords: Accounting Curriculum, Nigeria, Social Responsibility, Stakeholder Engagement, Sustainability, integrated reporting