European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research (EJAAFR)

EA Journals

Market Capitalization

Effect of Intangible Assets on Market Value of Listed Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria (Published)

The study examined the effect of intangible assets on market value of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The study adopted an Ex-post facto research design. The population of the study comprised of the listed consumer goods companies, listed industrial goods companies, quoted oil and gas firms and the listed healthcare entities in Nigeria from (2013-2023). This study employed analytical software of SPSS and Microsoft excel for the analysis. The secondary data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analysis. The results of the regression analysis revealed that three major intangible assets- goodwill, software, and research & development (R&D) significantly influenced the market capitalization of the firms. Goodwill had a positive and significant effect on market capitalization, explaining 69.1% of the changes in firm value. This indicated that firms with higher goodwill tend to have higher market capitalization. Software had a negative and significant effect on market capitalization, contributing to a 22.9% decline in firm value. This suggested that higher investment in software could reduce market capitalization, possibly due to maintenance costs or inefficiencies in software utilization. Research and Development (R&D) also had a negative and significant effect, contributing to a 23.8% decrease in market capitalization. It was thus concluded that intangible assets have significant effect on market value of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The recommendations made included that firms should focus on projects that have clear market potential and can generate immediate value.

Keywords: Intangible Assets, Market Capitalization, Market Value, Research and Development, Software, goodwill

The Effect of Profitability & Market Value on Market Capitalization of the Listed Insurance Companies of Jordan (2010-2023) (Published)

The main objective of this study is to find the effect of profitability & market value on market capitalization of the listed Insurance Companies of Jordan (2010-2023). The research data were collected from secondary sources; the descriptive analytical method was used. The financial statements of the sample banks were analyzed to extract the main ratios used for the study. This study employed a quantitative research design with an explanatory approach. The sample included all publicly listed insurance companies. The descriptive analytical method and correlation analysis were followed to test the effect of independent variables (profitability & market value) on the dependent variables (market capitalization). The results indicated that, market capitalization is most strongly influenced by the Market-to-Book (M/B) ratio, with a significant positive impact. ROA has a weak but positive impact on market capitalization. ROE and P/E ratio do not significantly affect market capitalization in this analysis.


Keywords: Market Capitalization, Profitability, Return on Assets, Return on Equity

The Effect of Capital Market on Industrial Development of Nigeria (Published)

The study examined the effect of capital market on industrial development in Nigeria for the period of 33 years spanning from 1990-2022. The independent variable employed in study are; market capitalization (MCAP), Industrial loan (INDL), Total volume (TV) and GFCF (Gross fixed capital formation), and industrial development proxy Industrial Output (INDOPT). Data were collected from the CBN Statistical Bulletin and World Bank data for 1990-2022. Data set was described using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis ARDL with the help of E-VIEW version 9.0. The study concluded that MCAP, TV have significant relationship with INDOPT both on the short & long run respectively, meanwhile GFCF has significant relationship with INDOPT only on the long run. The study thereby recommends that positive impact of total volumes calls for proper policies to be implemented so as to attract more investors to invest in the market. There is also need to relax some stringent registration and operating procedures to enable more people and organizations to participate in the market. There is also need to institute policies that will further increase the value of market transaction in the market.

Keywords: Market Capitalization, industrial loan, industrialization and economic growth, total volume

Causal Relationship between Financial Structure and Economic Growth in Contemporary African Economy: A Case Study of Nigeria from 1990-2018 (Published)

This study examined financial structure and economic growth of contemporary African economies; evidence from Nigeria. The specific objectives of this study are to investigate the effect of financial structure in bank credit to the private sector ratio (BC), market capitalization ratio (MC), liquid liability ratio (LLR), turnover ratio (TR) and value of traded share (VTS) on economic growth variable in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The study was anchored on bank based and market-based theory. The study used secondary data obtained from World Bank Data Atlas and subjected them to Granger Causality technique to test the interaction between independent variables and the dependent variable at the 5% level of significance. The findings show that financial structure in BC, MC, LLR, TR and VTS had no significant effect on GDP in the contemporary African economies. The result further discovered that there was absence of long run relationship in the study. Thus, the study concludes that financial structure does not have significant effect on economic growth in the contemporary African economies. Hence, the study recommends that financial structure should strengthen and enhance availability of money supply to key sector of the economy thereby improving economic growth by ensuring financial deepening within the economies and providing viable economic environment for financial enhancement to boost investment activities within the Nigerian economy.

Keywords: Bank credit, GDP, Market Capitalization, economic growth, financial structure

An Assessment of the Factors That Affect the Financial Performance of the Cross-Listed Companies in the Rwanda Stock Exchange (Published)

This research study entitled An Assessment of the Factors that Affect the Financial Performance of the Cross-Listed Companies in the Rwanda Stock Exchange aimed at assessing the factors that affect the financial performance of the cross listed companies on the RSE. As a guidance, the research examined the relationship between the level of awareness of the market by the public and the financial performance of cross-listed companies in RSE, assessed how the regulation framework affect the financial performance of the cross-listed companies on the RSE feature, and finally determined how technology affects the performance of cross-listed companies. The companies under consideration were the primary stakeholder of the RSE totalling to 14 firms which included Capital Market Authority, Rwanda Stock Exchange, the 9 brokerage firms and the 3 cross listed firms in the RSE employing 97 workers. Through a descriptive survey design, a sample size of 67 participants were selected from the 97 workers and 100 other informants identified purposively and their responses to various data collection tools particularly questionnaires and interview guides captured for analysis. The data were analysed through Hermeneutics, Thematic analysis, and Multiple Regression techniques to answer the questions that the research ventured out to investigate. The result of the analysis showed that there was a negative correlation between awareness and financial performance of the firms, regulation framework was positive and significant with r (67) = .684, P = .037, while technology correlated with r = .506, p = .094. Market capitalization of the domestic companies was larger than that of cross-listed, and return on equity of the domestic firms was better than for the cross-listed companies. Generally the cross-listed companies did not perform any better than the domestic firms though overall the public awareness, technology and regulation framework positively correlated with financial performance of the cross-listed firms. The recommendation is that more awareness strategy needed to be devised so as to increase public awareness of investors and cross-listing companies need to be motivated by other factors other than making profits when choosing.

Keywords: Capital market, Financial Performance, Market Capitalization, Rwanda, profit, stock exchange

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