European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research (EJAAFR)

EA Journals


Financial Regulation: Budget deficit management in post-independence Uzbekistan (Published)

The paper aims to study the important macroeconomic financial regulation problems such as budget deficit management in post-independence years of Uzbekistan.  The factors of budget deficit, the ways of its reduction and the financing mechanisms were studied using documenary analysis, economic and statistical methods of research. The research revealed that high level of centralized investments, negative effect of existed exchange regime, high subsidies for Pensions fund, compensation of agricultural losses due to bad wheather conditions and geopolitical situation required voluminous expenses. At the same time, change in tax rules, sharp decline of the income base of enterprises reduced budget revenies in the studied period. The results of research can be used as a basis for further fundamental researchs and to improving public policy and increase the efficiency of measures of budget deficit management in emerging markets.

Keywords: Budget, Expenditure, Regulation, Revenue, Uzbekistan, deficit

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