Economic Factors of Corporate Sustainability and Performance of Foam Manufacturing Firms (Published)
Corporate sustainability is essential for balancing economic performance with environmental responsibility. This study investigates the relationship between economic factors of corporate sustainability—specifically recycling and product innovation—and the organizational performance of foam manufacturing firms in Anambra State, Nigeria. Employing a descriptive survey design, 600 copies of questionnaire were administered, while 560 were found valid and useful for data analysis. Statistical analysis Spearman’s correlation and paired sample t-tests were used it revealed significant relationships between the variables. Recycling demonstrated a significant positive relationship with profitability, with a Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.020** and a paired t-test value of 2.326 and p = 0.001. Similarly, product innovation was found to have a strong positive relationship with profitability, reflected by a correlation coefficient of -0.048** and a paired t-test value of 9.035 and p = 0.003). The findings underscore the importance of sustainability practices in enhancing profitability through cost reduction, operational efficiency, and market differentiation. Guided by the Natural Resource-Based View (NRBV) theory, the study concludes that sustainability strategies can transform organizational performance. Recommendations include investing in advanced recycling technologies, fostering eco-friendly product innovation, and implementing supportive government policies to ensure sustainable economic growth and operational efficiency in the foam manufacturing sector of Anambra State.
Keywords: Performance, Product Innovation, Profitability, Recycling, corporate sustainability
Effect of Customer Satisfaction On the Profitability of Fast Food Outlets in Akwa Metropolis of Anambra State (Published)
The study examined the effects of customer satisfaction on the profitability of fast food industry in Akwa Metropolis of Anambra State. The specific objective is to determine the extent to which customer service affects the profitability of fast food industry in Awka metropolis. To evaluate the extent to which customer experience affects the profitability of fast food industry in Awka metropolis. To examine the extent to which product quality affects the profitability of fast food industry in Awka metropolis. The research utilized a survey research design method, a structured instrument developed by the researcher to reflect such options as strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree popularly refereed as five (5) points Likert scale was used to obtain information from the respondents. The population of the study comprised of 324 employee of fast food in Akwa metropolis.297 copies of questionnaires was duly completed and returned showing 96% response rate. Research hypotheses were tested using Chi-square. Findings from the study show that Customer service has significant effect on profitability of fast food industry in Awka metropolis. Customers experience has significant effect on profitability of fast food industry in Awka metropolis. Product quality has no significant effect on profitability of fast food industry in Awka metropolis. Maintaining existing customers should be a better option than chasing for new because a customer who is satisfied will have a positive dissonance about the service and who always recommend the service to friends and family who are potential customers. Further research should be carried out in order to enhance the understanding of the concepts of service quality and customer satisfaction, how they are measured because they are very important for service organizations in terms of profitability, growth and market share.
Citation: Chendo, N.A. (2023) Effect of Customer Satisfaction On the Profitability of Fast Food Outlets in Akwa Metropolis of Anambra State, British Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 11, Issue 1, pp.,12-25
Keywords: Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction, Fast-food industry, Profitability, product .quality
Advertising and Profitability; Evidence from Selected SMES in Uyo (Published)
Financial constraints, as well as a lack of managerial skills, equipment and technology, regulatory concerns, access to international markets, and unfair competition, are all reasons that impede the development of SMEs. SMEs require advertising strategies to ensure their long-term viability and growth in an ever-changing and competitive business environment. In this study, more attention will be paid to the question and relevance of advertising as a form of promotion to improve profitability. 50 small and medium scale enterprises were selected from Uyo. The survey was carried out in major urban center which is Uyo. This area was chosen because the tempo of economic activities being carried out by SMEs to meet the demands of the consumers is very high. The data used for this study were majorly primary and these were obtained from the field through the use of questionnaire. From the data gotten, Cronbach alpha was then used to test for the validity, consistency as well as the reliability of the data-set. All the constructs or items had Cronbach’s Alpha above the minimum acceptable reliability coefficient between 0.5 to 0.9 and therefore exhibits good internal consistency. Following the results, it is observed that the effect of advertising on profitability of the selected SMEs in Uyo metropolis is positive and significant. From the findings of this study, we conclude that advertising can significantly improve profitability of SMEs in AkwaIbom State.
Citation: Aniebiet Etuk, and Emmanuel O. Emenyi (2022) Advertising and Profitability; Evidence from Selected SMES in Uyo, British Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp.1-12
Keywords: Advertising, Nigeria, Profitability, SMEs, Uyo
Power Supply Fluctuation and Sales Performance of Frozen Foods Business: A Study of Aba Metropolis Nigeria (Published)
One of the essential requirements for output growth in the frozen food business is adequate electricity supply. The electricity supply bane has brought about the acquisition of expensive power back up facilities in the form of plants, generators, and inverters to augment stable electricity supply. The study therefore, investigated power supply fluctuation and sales performance of frozen foods in Nigeria. In line with the objectives of the study, two hypotheses were formulated. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised of twenty (20) frozen food firms in Aba with a sample size of sixty (60) respondents which was conveniently drawn from our population of interest. A structured questionnaire based on the five-point Likert scale was used in data collection. Frequency and percentages were used in analysing both the personal data of the respondents. While Kendall tau_b was employed in analyzing the hypotheses formulated. The findings revealed that a significant relationship exists between erratic power supply and profitability; alternative source of power supply and profitability. We therefore, recommended amongst others that, Government should encourage competition in the power sector, rather than the monopoly the electricity company is currently enjoying. They need to be proactive and embrace the renewable energy which would lead to decentralization of power supply, create more jobs, lead to lower costs, and cleaner environments.
Keywords: Fluctuation, Power, Profitability, Sales performance, alternative power supply, erratic power supply, supply
The paramount objective of a firm or organization is to earn and maximize profit in the long run. To achieve this, firms put in place diverse strategies, one of which is quality improvement. This value-added activity has some attendant cost implications, so also do the failures in a firm’s product or service. These cost implications together make up the group of quality costs, and they put a strain on the profit making ability of a firm. The objectives of this study were to find out how quality costs can be managed and how their management affects the profitability of firms. The survey design was adopted to gather data from the hospitality industry in Bayelsa State. The correlation analysis (SPSS version 20) was used to analyze the data and from the results obtained it was concluded that there is a significant relationship between quality cost management and firm profitability. It was recommended that effective quality cost management systems be put in place by firms to enhance their profitability and that firms should channel more efforts towards prevention and appraisal activities, this will reduce the extent to which they spend on internal and external failures and lead to increased profitability
Keywords: Cost, Effect. Quality, Management, Profitability