British Journal of Education (BJE)
Vol 5, Issue11, October 2017
The Effect of Discovery Learning Method on the Math Learning of the V Sdn 18 Students of Banda Aceh, IndonesiaAuthors: Agus Kistian, Dian Armanto, Ajat Sudrajat Keywords: Assessment, Discovery Learning, Mathematics, Primary School Article Pages: 1-11 |
The Effect of Think Talk Write (TTW) Learning Method on the Creative Thinking Ability of the Students at Primary School (SD) No. 060856 Medan, IndonesiaAuthors: Wirda, Deny Setiawan, Hidayat Keywords: Conventional Class, Primary School, Think Talk Write, creative thinking Article Pages: 12-28 |
An Analysis Of Character Education Values In Non-Fiction Novel “Habibie Dan Ainun” Created By Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie And Its Advantages As Literature Reading For Senior High School In Medan, IndonesiaAuthors: Maria Simanjuntak, Tiur Asi Siburian, Daulat Saragi Keywords: Education, Literature, character values, novel Article Pages: 29-49 |
Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitude towards Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) As a Pedagogical Tool in Teacher EducationAuthors: Oparah Justina Stella , Nwoke Bright Ihechukwu , Nwoga Anayochi Nwakaego and Ugwu Donatus Uchechukwu Keywords: ICT, Pedagogical Tool, Pre-Service Teachers, Teacher Education, attitude Article Pages: 50-57 |
A Comparison of Academic Performance between Public and Private Secondary Schools in Wareng District, KenyaAuthors: Samuel K. Rong’uno Keywords: : Academic Performance, Private Primary Schools, Wareng District, public Article Pages: 58-67 |
Integrating Counselling into Early Childhood Education in Nigeria: The Benefits, Challenges and Implications for PracticeAuthors: Agatha Ojeme Keywords: Counselling, Early Childhood Education, Integrating Article Pages: 68-76 |
The Difference of the Students’ Civic Education Outcomes using Numbered Heads Together Model and Expository Model at V Grade Sdn 064009 Medan Marelan, Academic Year 2016-2017, Medan, IndonesiaAuthors: Suci Rahmania Putri, Reh Bungana Br. Perangin-angin, Rosmala Dewi Keywords: Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Model; Civic Education; Expository Model Article Pages: 77-98 |
The Relative Contribution of the Dimensions of Emotional and Social Intelligence in Predicting the Occupational Stress of Female and Male Civil Servants in Rivers StateAuthors: Ezems-Amadi, Cecilia and Chujor J. Chujor Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Female Civil Servants, Male Civil Servants, Rivers State, Social Intelligence, occupational Stress Article Pages: 99-111 |
Dating and Academic Performance: An Empirical Analysis among Babcock University’s Undergraduate Students in Ogun StateAuthors: Nwosu Jonathan C. Keywords: : Academic Performance, Dating Behaviour, Ogun State., Undergraduates Article Pages: 112-118 |
Revisiting Student Satisfaction through Servqual: Private Tertiary Education PerspectiveAuthors: Abu Rashed Osman, James Bakul Sarkar, and Md. Shafiul Islam Keywords: Higher Education, Service Quality, Student Quality., Student Satisfaction Article Pages: 119-137 |
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Impact Factor: 7.89
Print ISSN: 2054-6351
Online ISSN: 2054-636X
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