British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Model; Civic Education; Expository Model

The Difference of the Students’ Civic Education Outcomes using Numbered Heads Together Model and Expository Model at V Grade Sdn 064009 Medan Marelan, Academic Year 2016-2017, Medan, Indonesia (Published)

Learning students’ learning outcomes at  SDN 064009 Medan Marelan in the subject of Civics is still categorized low, under the KKM that has been established by the school. Numbered heads together (NHT) also called as numbering, thinking together, numbered head is one of innovations in cooperative learning. The students’ learning outcomes taught by the NHT model are higher than the Expository model on Civics subject of joint decision materials in Grade V SDN 064009 Medan Marelan. This is evidenced by the calculations that show significant differences between students taught by the NHT model with the Expository learning model.

Keywords: Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Model; Civic Education; Expository Model

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