British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals


The Process and Strategy of Internalizing the Value of Multicultural Education in Arabic Teaching (Published)

This study aims to find out the internalization of multiculturalism values through Arabic teaching at Islamic senior high schools in Palu city Indonesia. The integration of multiculturalism values in learning materials is considered very important to create students’ moderate attitudes toward ethnicity and cultural differences in schools’ daily life. This study was carried out using a case study qualitative approach. Data were gathered through field observation, and in-depth interviews with the school principal, teachers, and students. Our study found that multiculturalism values were integrated through the Arabic curriculum, lesson plans, learning material, and students’ activities. The multiculturalism values were reflected in the students’ daily life in the forms of ethnicity diversity tolerance, respect attitudes, and moderate behavior. Our study contributes to the body of knowledge in multiculturalism studies and practices by providing a new direction to multicultural integration strategies at the school level. Future studies should focus on how the broader context of studies such as by involving more than one case.

Keywords: Arabic learning, Multiculturalism, Strategy, internalization

The Development Of The Teaching Materials Of Multiculturalism-Based Fast Reading Skill For The Viii Grade Of Smp Students In Medan City (Published)

This research aims to describe (1) the feasibility of teaching materials of multiculturalism-based fast reading skills, (2) the results of the students’ learning in grade VIII in SMP Medan City, namely SMP N 27 Medan and SMP Taman Harapan Medan on the subject of fast reading skill with the developed teaching materials of multiculturalism–based fast reading skills, (3) the effectiveness of teaching materials of multiculturalism-based fast reading skill. This type of research is the research and development of Borg and Gall. The test subjects consisted of material experts, design experts, Indonesian language teachers, junior high school students in Medan at SMP N 27 Medan and SMP S Taman Harapan Medan, which were individualized test, small group test and limited group test. The data on the quality of this development product were collected through a questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) the material expert validation includes the content feasibility with average of 86,76% at very good criteria, the feasibility of presentation with average 84,61% on very good criteria, the language aspect with language feasibility average of 86.53% with very good criteria,  (2) the design expert validation with an average of 85.83% with very good criteria. (3) The data of Indonesian language teachers’ response with an average of 94.19% with very good criteria. (4) The individual test with an average of 89.21% on very good criteria. (5) The small group test with an average of 90,82% at State Junior High School 27 and average 93,39 at Private School Taman Harapan Medan with very good criterion. (6) The limited group test with an average of 92.3% at SMP Negeri 27 Medan and an average of 94.35% at Private Junior High School Taman Harapan Medan with very good criteria. (7) the students’ average learning achievement before using the teaching materials with 158 kpm reading speed (unfinished) at SMP Negeri 27 Medan and the students’ learning achievement after using the teaching materials is 223 kpm (finished), then at Taman Harapan Junior High School there is a speed reading 132 kpm (unfinished) before using the teaching materials, and the reading speed of 248 kpm after using the teaching materials. (8) the effectiveness of teaching materials with good criteria. Thus the developed teaching materials of multiculturalism-based fast reading skills are feasible to be used in the learning process as a learning resource.

Keywords: Fast Reading Skill, Multiculturalism, Teaching Materials

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