British Journal of Education (BJE)

EA Journals

: Human Capital

Human Capital Development: A Driver for Educational Improvement in Nigeria (Published)

This article explored the potential of human capital development as a driving force for educational improvement in Nigeria. The analysis delved into the fundamental principles of education, human capital development, and how the synergy between these elements can foster improvements in the Nigerian educational landscape. The implications for education are manifold, with a particular focus on the importance of providing practical training, enhancing infrastructure, and implementing effective workforce planning to mitigate issues of unemployment and underemployment. The paper concluded by advocating for a collaborative effort between the government and curriculum developers to equip students with the necessary skills and independence for sustainable educational growth in Nigeria. Furthermore, it emphasized the critical aspects of quality education and human development, including equity, contextualization, child-centered teaching, and sustainability, as essential components for ensuring the longevity of the education system in Nigeria.


Keywords: : Human Capital, Education, Educational Improvement, Human Capital Development, Sustainability

Unpacking the State Of Human Capital in African Universities – The Case of Zimbabwe (Published)

This paper sought to establish the state of Human capital (HC) in selected public universities in Zimbabwe in terms of prevalence of senior academics such as associate professors and professors as well as the impact on the academic and economic development of the universities and the country at large. A good number of key literary sources were consulted on which the theoretical underpinnings of the paper were grounded. A sample of five state universities was chosen. Convenient sampling was adopted whereby the universities were chosen on the basis of availability of quality and completeness of data on the university website. Data was collected on the qualifications and grade of faculty deans and department chairpersons, and lecturing staff from the universities’ websites. All in all, the study covered a total of 18 faculties and 77 departments. The results of the study showed that there was a serious absence of senior academics in selected universities compared to their counterparts in the region and that this was having a negative impact on the quality of the universities’ academic and economic activities.

Keywords: : Human Capital, Professor, Research, Senior Academics, University

Challenges to Sustainable Human Capital Development in Nigerian Society: Christian Moral Education Responses (Published)

The study adopted public opinion survey design to investigate challenges to human capital development in Nigerian Society: Christian Moral education response. A sample of three hundred (300) were drawn from the entire population of (508) CRS teachers in South-east geopolitical Zone of Nigeria using accidental sampling technique. A 26 items self developed, questionnaire were used to illicit information from respondents. Two research questions guided the study. The data were analyzed using mean. It was found that: poor understanding of fundamental doctrine of human progression, lack of proper moral formation, man’s non conformity to the law of nature/creation, illiteracy due to poor education, poor management of nature resources, health challenges, high population growth due to poor birth control and sexual abuses and so on constitute challenges to human capital development. The study also revealed that adequate teaching of Christian moral education will inculcate good moral behaviour in the young people, as well as creating in them good understanding of fundamental doctrine of human progression which are the basis of human development. Based on the above finding recommendations were made on improving human capital development in Nigeria

Keywords: : Human Capital, Challenges, Development and Christian Moral Education, Sustainable

Human Capital Development: A Way Forward for Entrepreneurial Growth in Ebonyi State (Published)

Human capital development is a process of increasing knowledge, skills, talents and competencies in vocational and technical education for increase in productivity and stimulating resourcefulness of trainees. Home economics and Social Studies must necessarily contribute to developing of human capital in the 21st century to enable families and individuals cope with the ever emerging problems and challenges. The study focused on human capital development: a panacea for entrepreneurial growth in Ebonyi State. Specifically, the study sought to ascertain the managerial skills required for entrepreneurial growth in Ebonyi State, entrepreneurial qualities required for entrepreneurial growth, ascertain how entrepreneurial growth can enhance socio-economic development of Ebonyi State. Three research questions and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. The area of the study is Ebonyi State. Population of the study was 220 registered entrepreneurs in Ebonyi State. There was no sampling because the population was manageable. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were analyzed using mean and frequency. Chi-square was used to test the hypothesis. Findings of the study showed that managers need communication, conceptual, technical skills for entrepreneurial growth. Also, discipline, creativity, and ability to motivate employees, were the entrepreneurial qualities required for entrepreneurial growth. Movement of capital goods; increase in education; creating of new jobs can enhance socio-economic development of Ebonyi State. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made; there should be increased collaboration and cooperation between public and private sectors, among others.

Keywords: : Human Capital, Development, Growth, Skills, entrepreneurial

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