International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IRJPAP)

EA Journals


The effect of solar radiation on Telecommunications (Published)

Solar radiations affect the total electron content of the ionosphere that may disturb the radio-frequencies used in telecommunications. It may state with full confidence that the increase in the critical frequencies of the F2 layer from the values observed in the morning hours to the afternoon maximum frequencies, is due to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun. During an ionospheric storm, some radio frequencies are absorbed and others are reflected, leading to rapidly fluctuating signals and unexpected propagation paths. In the present work, we have shown that the effect of various solar activities that effects the electron densities of the ionosphere and how they affect our telecommunication system. During solar maximum years, maximum variations of electron density of the ionosphere have been observed. Hours of maximum disturbance due to increased electron density of the ionosphere were obtaining measuring electron density of the ionosphere. Solar flux is the basic indicator of solar activity that determines the level of radiation being received from the Sun.  The solar flare closely related to the amount of ionization and hence the electron concentration in F2 layer region as result it gives a very good indication of condition for long distance communication the solar flux can vary from low as 50 to high as 300; low value indicate the maximum useable frequency will low and over all condition will be very good for higher HF band. Conversely high value generally indicate there sufficient ionization to support long-distance communication at higher than normal frequencies. However, it takes a few days of high values for conditions to improve. These results will provide information for space weather forecasting and also enable telecommunication industries make predictions and necessary adjustments to maximize their operational frequencies.

Keywords: Solar Activity, communication disturbance., electron density, ionosphere, radio frequencies

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