Are Archives - International Research Journal of Natural Sciences (IRJNS)

International Research Journal of Natural Sciences (IRJNS)

EA Journals


Geology and Structure of the Precambrian Rocks in Iworoko, Are and Afao Area, Southwestern Nigeria (Published)

Geologic mapping of the study area revealed three dominant lithologic units namely: bandedgneiss, migmatite-gneiss and granite-gneiss respectively. Systematic structural mapping and study of the area also confirmed the preponderance of different types of folded structures such as ptygmatic, recumbent, disharmonic and asymmetrical folds which trend E-W to NNW-EES. Other structures such as dykes, joints, quartz-veins, fractures and micro faults were also detected on the rocks. The overall results showed that the study area is a manifestation of Precambrian deformation as revealed by the magnitude and style of folding which is an indication of different episodes of deformation on the rocks in the area.

Keywords: Afao, Are, Deformation, Lithologies, Lworoko, Structures