International Journal Water Resources Management and Irrigation Engineering Research (IJWEMIER)

EA Journals


Assessment of Water Rights Database System for Supporting Sustainable Water Resources Management: A Case of Water Resources Commission, Ghana (Published)

The use of technology to managing water resource of a nation is important, and the management of such an organization is required to timeously deliver good fresh water to distributors to in turn supply good and treated quality water to the citizenry. Therefore, there is no gain saying the fact that the production of appropriate information/reports that would enable the management to discharge its functions effectively and efficiently, is a sine qua non. Any management of water institution, globally, that deprives the citizenry from getting good and treated quality water for use should not be entertained at all, as ‘water is life’ and about 70% of the human body is composed of water. There are many internation water bodies, including the UN Water Organization, who are always championing clean and quality treated water for human consumption. Many sicknesses and deaths that occur to humans are from the cause of using untreated water in homes, offices and organizations that use water to prepare its products, for example, food. Governments are making available huge budgets to cater for the use of good and treated quality water for their citizenry, and organizations in charge and mandated to carry out this important task, should not negate on their mandate at all. Management should equally be well trained on water needs of the citizenry to make sure this important commodity is readily available and for use by all.   


Keywords: Organization, Technology, Water body, citizenry, database/software, government and pollution.

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