International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education Research (IJVTER)

EA Journals


Partnership between Technical Institutions and the Engineering Industry in Addressing Manpower Needs of the Labour Market in Tanzania (Published)

The issue of mismatch between technical education graduates’ skills and labour market demands has been an important discourse in Tanzania as in other developing countries, with employers expressing their concern about poor quality of graduates. Strong partnership between training institutions and employers is considered a vital factor to make training respond to the labour market demands. The study has revealed existence of weak partnership working between technical institutions offering engineering programmes and employers of engineering graduates in terms of collaboration in determining training needs, curriculum development, students’ and teachers’ internships and resource collaboration (finance, human resource, learning facilities). It is therefore recommended to establish strong partnership working to enable technical institutions produce qualified graduates for the labour market.

Keywords: Partnership, Tanzania, engineering industry, technical institutions

The Role of Institution Partnership in the Office Technology and Management (Published)

Institutional partnership is gaining prominence globally so that resources can be shared and utilized profitably. The Office Technology and Management program as in the Nigerian Polytechnics, Colleges of Education and Universities requires huge facilities and infrastructure to implement which government is unable to sufficiently provide due to dwindling economy. On the other hand schools management may not prioritize their needs. The partnership factor is quite germane because industry needs for professionals, manpower and research keep changing rapidly. It becomes pertinent for managers of the program to parley with the appropriate stakeholders including: professional bodies, companies, other schools, hence every potential is fully harnessed. It will require a clear cut pattern of relationship to specify the input, out come and areas of future improvement.

Keywords: Collaboration, Partnership, Potentials

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