International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education Research (IJVTER)

EA Journals


Development and Evaluation of Instructional Video for Teaching and Learning Woodwork Technology Psychomotor Skills in Nigerian Universities: Implication for the Production of Competent Graduates (Published)

Woodwork is one of the areas of Technical Education programme at the University level in Nigeria. The objectives of this programme have not been achieved due to the inadequate nature of materials and human resources for implementing its curriculum. In order to address the issue of Technical Education graduates not possessing employable skills, an intervening measure is to develop and evaluate instructional video for teaching and learning Woodwork Technology. The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate Woodwork Technology instructional video. Five (5) research questions guided the study. The population of this study comprised of twenty two (22) heads of units of Building/Woodwork Construction Technology in all the twenty two (22) Universities in Nigeria whose Technical Education programme were accredited as at 2012. The purposive sampling technique was used to select 10 Heads of Units of Building/Woodwork Construction Technology. Primary data were collected using camera and its accessories, and the modified Province of Prince Edwards Island Department of Education DVD/ Video Evaluation form. The data collected was analyzed using frequency count and mean. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that the developed instructional video for teaching and learning practical skills in Woodwork Technology at the University level is suitable in terms of its content, instructional design, technical design, and social consideration.

Keywords: Development, Evaluation, Learning, Nigerian Universities, Teaching, Technical Education, instructional video, psychomotor skills, woodwork technology