International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education Research (IJVTER)

EA Journals

Economic Development

Enhancing Entrepreneurial Education Skills in Electrical Installation for Sustainable Economic Development (Published)

The Paper discussed the enhancement of entrepreneurial education skills in Electrical installation for sustainable economic development. School leavers from various institutions face skill opportunities of securing employment including those that studied electrical installation maintenance work. Entrepreneurial education was discussed as a suiting solution that would enable the graduates learn skills that would make them survive by establishing electrical installation related enterprises for sustainable economic development. Some factors that would promote entrepreneurship education include adequate provision of fund to establish entrepreneurial education system, revitalization of electricity supplies and expansion of educational facilities for entrepreneurial development. Entrepreneurial competences identified for sustainable economic development among Electrical Installation graduates include managerial, accounting, marketing and competitive skills. The paper also identified concrete reasons for entrepreneurial education to include provision of necessary skills, ability of students to transit from school to work among others. When entrepreneurial education is enhanced, sustainable economic development will be realized.


Keywords: Economic Development, Education, Electrical Installation, Skills, entrepreneurial education

The Gap between Employers and Unemployed, Challenges for Employability in Guanacaste Province of Costa Rica (Published)

The purpose of this research is to analyze the challenges for employability in Guanacaste through the discussion of variables that influence job offers and the conditions of job seekers, with a focus on the relevance of employment for economic development of the country and the relationship of higher education with obtaining employment. The methodology includes a descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, which studies guanacastecans in unemployment, applying a survey to a sample of 76 university students. The results show that people feel prepared and with the necessary competences for employment, but perceive little support from local governments, institutions and even the universities to open employment opportunities. The experience barrier is relevant, looked by employers; among the competences that increase the possibilities of employment are the soft skills, English language management, as well as the updating in technological tools. Considering conclusions, communication between universities, local governments and other institutions should improve with business sectors, to generate a clear picture and increase employment options. Together with efforts such as more job fairs and intermediation offices, the unemployed will have a link to find employment and employers can have a clear profile of the people who seek a job. In short, the challenges are diverse and requires efforts from various parties, from the unemployed who must develop adequate skills, to employers who value human talent in Guanacaste.

Keywords: Economic Development, Education, Employability, Skills, Unemployment


Vocational and technical education has been integral part of national development strategies in many societies because of the impact on human resource development, productivity and economic development. It holds the key to national development of most nation’s. However, despite its contribution to societal and economic development, Nigerian leaders have not given this aspect of education the attention it desires. This could be one of the reasons for the nation’s underdevelopment. This paper attempts to examine the concept of vocational and technical education, objectives of vocational and technical education, image of vocational and technical education in Nigeria, the importance and role of vocational and technical education in economic development and challenges of vocational and technical education in Nigeria. The paper concludes that through vocational and technical education youths as well as adults will be trained to acquire skills, attitude and knowledge which are needed for the economic growth of our nation. The paper therefore recommends that the nation must invest copiously in education with particular attention given to vocational and technical education.

Keywords: Economic Development, Nigeria, Skill Acquisition, Vocational and Technical Education.

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