International Journal of Scientific Research in Essays and Case Studies (IJSRECS)

EA Journals


Contemporary Relativism: A Question to Human Dignity (Published)

This paper is a review of contemporary relativism as a human dignity problem. It began with a conceptual review and a wholesome analysis of the variables as contained. Relativism stipulates from the analysis made that moral principles are not universal, but contextual; thus, “members of one community do not fairly judge or reject certain conventional social practices. Relativism, in its most severe form, rejects the existence of valid cross-cultural criteria for assessing human rights policies and exempts from public scrutiny, certain differences in social norms and institutions. Relativism is a dynamic term whose philosophical origins lie in debates about relativism in science theory and language theory. Usually, relativism is presented in contrast to realism, which is the belief that what is real and true happens independently of the mind. Where epistemological, social, economic, and cognitive relativism of several different forms are present. It is widely reported that one aspect (e.g. moral principles, information, and meaning) relates to a particular context (e.g. the person subject, a society, or a language). Although cultural relativism provides sociology with a reflexive and critical method, political and moral conservatives continue to despair about the effect of cultural relativism on analytical discourse and the change away from the objective, measurable principles as the measure of all claims to reality. Nevertheless, some scholars have suggested that cultural relativism can be embraced without compromising a commitment to the concept of moral values, or human rights.

Keywords: Contemporary, Dignity, Human, Relativism, human dignity

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