International Journal of Scientific Research in Essays and Case Studies (IJSRECS)

EA Journals


Does Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Improve Teachers’ Performance? Evidences from Public Schools in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Published)

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is the concept that individual teachers strive to enhance their professional competence and knowledge beyond the initial training necessary to do their job. Therefore, the goal of this research is to investigate the nexus between continuous professional development (CPD) and teachers’ teaching competence, action research preparation, mentoring and peer observation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s Gulele sub city’s public schools. By using mixed research design, the descriptive survey approach was used. Purposive, availability, and simple random sample techniques were all utilized in the study. With a total of 340 participants, the sample size was 220 teachers, 30 department heads, 30 principals, 20 vice principals, 10 CPD facilitators, 10woreda education office experts, 10 cluster supervisors, and 10 sub city education office experts. Three research questions were utilized in this study. Questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis were used to obtain information. Principals, Vice principals, department heads, Continuous Professional Development facilitators, cluster supervisors, Woreda and sub city education office specialists were among those who took part in the interview. The data collected through closed-ended questionnaires was then analyzed using mean scores, standard deviations, and rank. While the data collected through interviews and open-ended questions was subjectively narrated. The findings of this study revealed that Continuous Professional Development (CPD) moderately improved the teachers’ teaching competence, action research preparation, mentoring and peer observation activity.

Keywords: Development, Performance, Professional, continuous

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