International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (IJSBER)

EA Journals


Factors Affecting the Performance & Business Success of Small & Medium Enterprises in Sudan (Case Study: Omdurman) (Published)

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have an important role to play in the development of the country. This study attempts to identify the antecedents of business success in Omdurman- Sudan, with particular reference to small businesses. . In Sudan, the growth of SMEs is significantly low. The study examined eight factors that influence the SMEs business success. . Eight hypotheses were developed to find out factors that are affecting Business Success of SMEs in Sudan. SMEs characteristic, External Environment (competition), Customer and Markets, the way of doing business & cooperation, Resources and Finance have significant positive effect on the Business Success of SMEs in Omdurman-Sudan. The regression analysis result shown that the above factors are the most significant factors affecting business success of SMEs in Sudan

Keywords: Business Success, External Environment, SMEs, Sudan

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