International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Research (IJSAR)

EA Journals

juvenile involvement

Core Family Values as Correlate of Juvenile Involvement in Internet Fraud in Delta State, Nigeria (Published)

The study examined core family values as correlate of juvenile involvement in internet fraud in Delta state, Nigeria. A comprehensive background of the study amongst others was examined that discussed the problem of the study.  Several related literature was reviewed in line with the sub-themes of the study that examined the family values in Nigeria, Family Factors Influencing Juvenile Involvement in Crime, internet fraud and types of internet fraud and Causes of Internet Fraud among Juvenile. The research design adopted for the study was the correlational survey design. This was applied through the use of the questionnaire and in-depth interview; the research instrument used for data collection. The questionnaire was administered to sample of 591 respondents and 24 respondents for in-depth interview through the use of multi-stage sampling method that was employed to randomly select respondents. The descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation technique were used to analyze the data obtained from the study. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the descriptive data comprising the bio-data in frequencies and percentages while the hypotheses were tested using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation (PPMC).  The study concluded that the lower the level of core family values, the higher the juvenile involvement in internet fraud and vice versa. This was the basis upon which contribution to knowledge and recommendations were put forward for further studies.

Citation: Ulo  E. and  Jike T.V. (2022) Core Family Values as Correlate of Juvenile Involvement in Internet Fraud in Delta State, Nigeria, International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Research, Vol.8, No.4 pp.1-13

Keywords: core family value, internet fraud, juvenile involvement

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