International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (IJQQRM)

EA Journals


Reflecting on the Debates and Action of Mixed Methods Adoption in Business Research: Why Postgraduate Researchers Should Start Thinking This Way (Published)

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the philosophical arguments underpinning the choice of mixed method [MM] research design. However, the study concluded that mixing research methods in business research is important as it helps to strengthen findings and recommendations arising from a given research study. More so, we recommend for postgraduate researchers to rationalise their choice of mixing methods based on complementarities, research priority, purpose and the implementation of findings and not on the basis of philosophical ontology and epistemology. This has been found to be the reason underpinning the much-lauded arguments in the adoption of mix methods

Keywords: Concurrent, Mixed Methods, Sequential, qualitative, quantitative

Mixed Methods- Theory and Practice. Sequential, Explanatory Approach (Published)

There appears to be a paucity of research undertaken in emotional intelligence in higher education suggesting a gap in which research can be undertaken that can provide new insight and add together with knowledge and understanding. This article discusses a study using sequential, explanatory, mixed methodology, which was undertaken on a sample of 533 academics (those employed by a university full time, part time, and hourly and who may be lecturers, tutors, instructors, researchers). The reason for collecting sequential quantitative and qualitative data into one study brings together two types of information providing greater understanding and insight into the research topics that may not have been obtained analysing and evaluating data separately. The findings from interviews helps explain the findings from quantitative data.

Keywords: Explanatory, Mixed Methodology, Sequential

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