International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (IJQQRM)

EA Journals


Enhancing Results-Oriented Mathematics Classroom Interaction: The Pause-Procedure Strategy Feedback (Published)

This empirical study establishes the use of pause procedure in the teaching and learning of Mathematics. Quasi-experimental of pre-test posttest control group design was adopted to establish the effect of independent variable over the dependent variable.  208 primary school pupils were selected as the sample for the study. Three hypotheses were generated. The experimental and control groups were homogenous at the beginning of the study as discovered from the analysis of the pretest data collected. After the treatment, the students were examined to determine the effectiveness of treatment. Mathematics Performance Test (MPT) was the instrument employed by the researcher to collect data for the study. Data collected were analysed using t-test analytical tool. It was observed that the use of pause teaching procedure helped pupils to perform better in Mathematics. Findings showed that pause procedure had positive effects on the learners’ performance in Mathematics. It was observed that gender has no effect on pause procedure as a teaching strategy in primary schools.  Hence it was recommended that Mathematics teachers should adopt the use of pause teaching procedure for better performance in Mathematics.

Citation: Akinwamide, Comfort Oluwasesan  and  Olofin, Samuel Oluwaseyi  (2022) Enhancing Results-Oriented Mathematics Classroom Interaction: The Pause-Procedure Strategy Feedback, International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, Vol.9, No.3, pp.17-26


Keywords: Learners’ Performance, Mathematics Teaching, chunk, pause method, pauses

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