International Journal of Physical and Human Geography (IJPHG)

EA Journals


Pattern of Fencing and Impacts in Urban Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria (Published)

This study examines the pattern and impact of fencing in Auchi, Edo State Nigeria. The objectives among others identified the compliance to fence standards and the role of the planning authorities in the area. Data for this study were generated from primary and secondary sources. Questionnaires, field measurements and interviews were the major tools for data collections. The study observed that very many houses were fenced in the area but the fencing was without observance to building codes and standard. While some fences were constructed right on and over the right of ways, some were seen to be too high. This pattern of fencing was found to be having negative impacts on the development of Auchi. Among the impacts were traffic congestion, accidents, erosion and flooding and poor aesthetics. The study also observed that the planning authority in the area were not up to their responsibility in the control of development in Auchi. Among the recommendations given to correct this pattern of development were urban renewal exercise and the making of a master plan which will comprehensively guide the area for sustainable physical development.

Keywords: Edo, Fence, Impacts, Nigeria, Pattern, Urban

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