International Journal of Nursing, Midwife and Health Related Cases (IJNMH)

EA Journals


Awareness and Attitude towards Utilization of Reproductive Health Services among Adolescents in Calabar Municipality (Published)

Purpose: The main focus of this study was awareness and attitude towards utilization of Reproductive health services among adolescents in Calabar Municipality. Objectives: In order to successfully carry out the study, the following objectives were formulated to guide the study. To determine the level of awareness of adolescents towards utilization of reproductive health services in Calabar municipality. To assess the attitudes of adolescents towards utilization of reproductive health services in Calabar municipality. To identify the barriers of adolescents towards utilization of reproductive health services in Calabar municipality. Literature: Literature, was reviewed based on the research variables, Methods: the research instrument used in collecting data for analysis was a questionnaire which was administered on one hundred and fifty (150) adolescents in Calabar Municipality who served as sample for the study. Their responses were analyzed using frequencies, percentage and Pearson product moment correlation analysis and the following results were obtained. Results: in table 3 indicate that 50(33.3%) of the respondents strongly agreed that they did not like reproductive health services because of its complications to health while 3(2%) agreed, 84(56%) of the respondents strongly disagreed while 13 (8.6%) of the respondents disagreed. 40(26.6%) of the respondents strongly agreed, that they like reproductive health services because it prevents unwanted pregnancy, 44(29.3) disagreed, 60(40) of the respondents strongly disagreed while 6(4%) disagreed. 8(26.6%) strongly agreed that they love going to hospital because the nurses there will explain different methods of reproductive health services to them 90(60%) agreed, while 2(1.3%) strongly disagreed, 50(33.3%) disagreed. 80(53.5%) of the respondents strongly agreed that they love reproductive health services because they do not want to be pregnant, 8(5.3%) agreed, 60(40%) strongly disagreed and 2(1.3%) disagreed. 30(20%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that most adolescent choose the wrong method because it offers an appropriate method to each  adolescent 30(20%)  disagreed while 45(30%) agreed, 45(30%) strongly agreed. 45(30%)  of the respondents strongly agreed that most women choose the wrong method because of improper counseling based on culture religion and ignorance 30(20) agreed while 30(20%) strongly disagreed and 45(30%) disagreed. Conclusion: Reproductive health services   were   accessible   to   adolescents   in   Calabar Municipality. And most adolescents were aware of the reproductive health services but fail to utilize it. There is no significant relationship between attitude of reproductive health services and adolescents   utilization of reproductive health; Reproductive health services were available to the public for use. There is no significant relationship between barriers of reproductive health services and adolescents utilization of reproductive health services. Nevertheless, it was concluded that Local   Government   authorities   should   organize   enlightenment campaigns, to educate adolescents in the area on the importance of reproductive health services.


Keywords: Adolescence, Reproductive Health, Utilization, attitude, awareness

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