International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies (IJLISS)

EA Journals


Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Service Delivery to Academic Library by Librarians in Nigeria (Published)

This research looks at how librarians in Nigeria use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide services to academic libraries. This study addressed a problem that many librarians face in Nigeria, such as technical knowledge of AI, funding to purchase technology, and lack of government backing for libraries, among other things. The concept of Artificial Intelligence services delivery to academic library users and librarians in Nigerians, as a result of their application to the library’s reference unit, readers’ service unit, cataloguing and classification unit, and serial control unit, through some of its branches such as expert systems, opportunities for libraries, natural language processing, neural networks, and robotics. Some academic institutions have already accepted the use of artificial intelligence to handle some daily library routines, according to the report. The study goes on to discuss some of the obstacles that its application to university libraries faces, as well as possible solutions.

Keywords: Academic Libraries, Artificial Intelligence, Challenges, and librarians, robotics, services

University Library Services and Academic Success of Students: A Case Study of Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria (Published)

This research is a venture into a study of the impact of some selected library services on the academic success of students of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria with a view to establish if there exists any relationship between specific library services and academic performance of students. A test-retest reliability method of two weeks interval was conducted. Responses obtained were subjected to Pearson Products Moment Correlation (PPMC) method and a reliability coefficient of 0.83 was obtained. Multistage sampling technique was employed. 1656 respondents were selected for the study, with 89% response rate. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in the study. The study found that the significant mean score of Internet services (3.33), Selective dissemination of Information SDI(2.93), and circulation services(2.97) were above average (2.5) with reference services(2.46) alone being below average. However, only Internet Services(R=0.880 p-value=0.049<0.05) was found to correlate significantly with the student academic performance. The most utilized services at FUTO library are the internet services, seconded by Book Loan services. It was recommended that more effort should be put to ensure the sustenance of internet and circulation services as they help students achieve higher test scores.

Keywords: Academic, Internet, Library, Success, services