Google Tools at the Disposal of Librarians and skills for the Enhancement of Library Services: A Conceptual Review (Published)
In recent time, there has been the emergence of cloud computing, the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer which allows numerous clients to use the same platform at the same time without any interference from any point online. The king of this practice is the Google cloud computing that paved way for the creation of the famous online Google workspace that houses many Google tools. This paper holistically takes a look at this Google Workplace and the surrounding Tools. The paper analytically discussed the various tools such as Gmail, Chat, Meet, Calendar, Drive for storage; Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms and Google Scholar among others and where and how they can be applied and utilized by librarians and libraries towards enhancing their services to their heterogeneous users in a digital ecosystem as well as the skills librarians need to acquire for optimal utilization of the Google Workplace and the surrounding products. At the end of it all, the paper drew its conclusion and suggested among other things that Librarians with the support of library management should be trained on how to manage and utilize to the fullest various Google Tools and that all university library websites should be Google connect as to have all staff create a Gmail account with which they can access all Google products and the library should as well create corporate Gmail account and link with which all staff should be mandated to utilize Google Scholar tool to enhance the university visibility online and quick staff identity verification.
Keywords: Gmail, Google tools, Google workplace, Google+, Information and Communication Technology, Librarians, Library, Library Services
Blockchain Technology as a Tool for Effective Library Services in a Digital Era: Conceptual Analysis (Published)
The Blockchain technology as one of the newest technologies of the millennium is not only opening new opportunities in financial services but also may be implemented for optimal service delivery in Libraries since it is notable for being a reliable technology that helps with security, preservation and reliability of data. This paper takes a conceptual look at blockchain technology and where it can be applied in libraries for effective library services delivery in this digital era. The paper apart from taking a holistic look at the concept, also treated the features of the technology which revolves around the three main properties of blockchain technology: decentralization, transparency and immutability which have helped it gain wide spread acclaim as well as benefits of integrating blockchain technology in library operations which include that the technology has the potential to enhance library operations in areas as, digital preservation and tracking, community-based collections to share objects, tools and services, inter library loan and voucher system, library verification of credentials (information literacy) and also, library card and Archives/special collections where provenance and authenticity are essential with each sub-heading substantiated with image for clarity. After which, conclusion that blockchain technology has the potential for revolutionizing library management practices and that integrating blockchain into library practices may likely improve the state of security in libraries, enhance transparency and accessibility of library collections, transforming the bounders of digital preservation and intellectual property management was drawn and recommendations which include among others that before libraries launch blockchain technology, librarians should keep in mind blockchain project such as programmers, project management team and visionary staff from the libraries, resources and finance in that before launching blockchain technology, proper resources and finances are required noting that a blockchain solution for data alignment might be affordable and feasible if libraries have sufficient funds for the project were made.
Keywords: Database, Digital Era, Library, Library Services, blockchain technology, cryptographic, digital ledger
Use of ICT Tools for Marketing Library Services in Selected University Libraries in Oyo State Nigeria (Published)
This study examined and found ICT tools for marketing library services within selected university libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria; University of Ibadan, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso, and Ajayi Crowther Oyo. One hundred twenty (120) questionnaires were distributed for administration but only one hundred and ten (110) questionnaires were returned; representing 91.7%, and were found useful for this study. The statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the returned questionnaires. The data was analyzed using frequency tables, simple percentages, and a chi-square test for dependent and independent variables. The study discovered that internet facilities, videoconferencing, email, social media, telephone, OPAC and websites were available for marketing library services, with radio and television having lowest availability. Reservation, renewal, current awareness and online access to library database were library services rendered which accounted for the highest percentage of respondents. The findings also show that marketing library services helps promote the library profession. However, with all the benefits inherent in having market library services, there are still a lot of problems militating against developing good market strategies in the library, such as inadequate funding and poor infrastructure (ICT tools). In order to achieve effective and efficient marketing of library services, adequate attention must be given to the strategies and recommendations given in the study.
Keywords: Availability, ICT, Library Services, Marketing, tools, university library
Administration and Library Services in Tertiary Institution in Cross River and Akwa-Ibom States (Published)
This study was conducted to examine the extent to which administration affects the provision of library services in Cross River and Akwa Ibom States. The simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the number of staff or respondents. The selection was done by independent person without replacement until the required respondents were obtained in each group. The population of this study consisted of all library officers in four tertiary institution’s libraries in Cross River and Akwa Ibom States. The total number of library officers in these libraries was 450. The four tertiary institutions selected for the study and the number of officers in each, were University of Calabar, 170, University of Uyo, 145, College of Education, Akamkpa 65 and College of Education, Afaha Nsit 70 respectively. A four-point Likert scale questionnaire was designed to assess staff responses of the five variables namely, planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating and communication were developed, validated and administered. A total of five hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance using Chi-square approach. The findings of the research revealed that, the influence of administration on the provision of quality library services in tertiary institutions in Cross River and Akwa Ibom States is relatively positive.
Keywords: Coordination, Library Services, Planning, communication, organizing, staffing
Public Libraries and Available Library Resources and Services in Some Senior Secondary School Students in Lagos State (Published)
Public libraries serve as valuable assets in meeting a community’s strategic goals. This article investigates Public Libraries and Available Library Resources and Services in Some Senior Secondary School Students In Lagos State, Nigeria. Observation and questionnaire methods were used as research tools. The population of the study consists of Senior Secondary School students in public libraries in Lagos State. The target population for this study was senior secondary school students in the selected schools to the five zonal libraries of the Lagos State Public Library Board. The study was limited to the senior secondary school classes one to three (SSS 1-3) students using the Lagos State public Library Board alone. Out of the over 720 questionnaires distributed only 574 were found usable. The result shows that textbooks were rated as main available resources to the students with (x=3.46), and textbooks, magazines were also available with a mean score of (x= 3.27), followed by journals (x= 3.18) while E-books and Encyclopedias were rated next to this with the mean score of (x = 3.08), (x=2.84). Finding also revealed that one of the services majorly provided by public libraries in Lagos State was to render assistance to the senior secondary school students by the library staff with mean score of the respondents’ rating (x=3.11), followed by Information literacy programme (x = 3.11). Photocopying services which had the mean score rating of (x = 3.06), was next to the above services, answering youth users question/queries was (x = 3.03) while lending of VCD and Audio CD were the least services provided with the mean score of the respondents rating of (x = 1.85).
Keywords: Lagos State, Library Resources, Library Services, Public libraries, Senior Secondary School Students
Assessment of Quality in the Library Services Delivery of Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria (Published)
The issue of quality library services to users of academic libraries has been a worrisome one due to the state of some of our academic libraries, staff and economy of the country. Oftentimes libraries are not funded adequately by the government whether federal or state, hence poor and inefficient manpower and structures in our academic libraries. The study therefore, assessed the quality in the library services delivery of Federal University of Technology, Owerri library, Imo State, Nigeria which revealed the facilities and problems associated with FUTO library in the discharge of its duties. The survey research method was adopted while a structured questionnaire titled “Assessment of Quality in the Library Services Delivery of Federal University Owerri Library Questionnaire” (AQLSDFLQ) was the instrument for data collection. The study was guided by six (6) objectives and six (6) research questions. The entire FUTO library staff formed the population of the study which is 130 staff made up of all the full time library staff comprising of professionals, para-professionals and non-professionals excluding the 16 registry staff posted to the library. Data collected from respondents were analyzed using simple descriptive method, percentages and results tabulated. The findings revealed that FUTO library has a lot of challenges that hinder quality library services delivery which included but not limited to poor funding, inconvenient facilities/buildings, lack of needed skills by staff, lack of mentorship and trainings, e.t.c. It was recommended that FUTO management should make adequate funds available for the upkeep of the library, employ staff with the necessary technical/technological skills, provide convenient facilities/buildings, organize trainings on ICT skills to mention but a few. If the recommendations are strictly adhered to, FUTO library will improve in its services to a great extent.
Keywords: Assessment, FUTO library, Library Services, Quality, quality services, services delivery
Utilisation of Web 2.0 Tools for Effective Library Services by Librarians in University Libraries in Southwest Nigeria (Published)
This paper examines utilisation of Web 2.0 tools for effective library services by librarians in University Libraries in Southwest Nigeria. Two hundred and three (203) copies which are (94%) were duly completed and found usable for this study. Questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was on types of Web 2.0 tools available, services available and influence of Web 2.0 use. Data obtained was analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, mean, and standard deviation. Findings of the study revealed that 54% respondents indicated Youtube as the major type of Web 2.0 tools, followed by Facebook 50.5% and Twitter with 48% by librarians in University Libraries in Southwest Nigeria. Some of the recommendations were that Libraries management should provide internet access to staff and users of their libraries, and due to the dynamic nature of Web 2.0 tools, librarians need to keep themselves abreast of the new technology and remain relevant on their duties.
Keywords: Librarians, Library Services, Utilisation., university libraries, web 2.0 tools
Enhancing Library Services Delivery in the 21st Century in Africa: The Role of Cloud Technologies (Published)
The impact of technological advancements has been greatly felt in virtually every sphere of human society. Libraries are no exception to this trend and the need for libraries to embrace this change is pertinent to their survival. The new patronage of libraries and information centres are now more techno-savvy than the previous generation of library users. The preference for internet and web-based services has become more evident. Libraries and information centres now compete with rival agencies who provide similar and alternative services which have made users rely more on the alternatives provided by these agencies. With the changing information seeking behaviour of library patrons, libraries must consider alternative options to service delivery. The paper explores cloud services, the types and models, and the roles that cloud computing and technologies can play in enhancing library services in the 21st century. Cloud computing was x-rayed, the roles were discussed at item level, benefits of cloud to libraries, and the implication to libraries and library and information professionals for service delivery.
Keywords: 21st Century., Cloud Technologies, LIS Professionals, Library Services, Service delivery
Methods and Channels of Acquiring Information Literacy among Students in Creating Awareness on Library Services: A Case of Margaret Thatcher Library, Moi University, Kenya (Published)
Academic libraries have a mandate of enhancing teaching and research missions of their parent institutions through provision of library services. The emergence of modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) has revolutionized functions and services of libraries all over the world. Technological developments have affected not only the format and sources of the information libraries use to provide reference services, but also where we provide references services. Libraries and their resources have partially moved to the virtual world of the internet. As a result, library patrons can access resources from outside of the physical library. This paper shares findings of a study which identified the different information literacy methods and channels through which information literacy was used to create awareness of library services at Moi University, Kenya. The study was conducted through case study design. The target population comprised 32 library staff and 10,470 students. A sample of 457 respondents was selected breaking down to 425 students and 32 library staff. Probability and non-probability sampling adopted for the sample selection. Data collection methods consisted of questionnaires and interviews. This study used a mixed approach method where Quantitative data were analyzed by use of descriptive statistics and presented in tables while qualitative data were analyzed thematically. The findings indicate that library users are aware of the library services available and its access has been made possible through knowledge of internet skills gained from lectures given, handbooks and Bibliographic aid. Social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and online videos) are some of the effective channels that were identified. It is recommended that academic librarians provide more instruction to students and faculty who seek information. That students should be guided always through the borrowing procedures and issuance of copies of the library guide be improved.
Keywords: Information Technology, Information literacy, Internet, Library Services