International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies (IJLISS)

EA Journals


Google Tools at the Disposal of Librarians and skills for the Enhancement of Library Services: A Conceptual Review (Published)

In recent time, there has been the emergence of cloud computing, the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer which allows numerous clients to use the same platform at the same time without any interference from any point online. The king of this practice is the Google cloud computing that paved way for the creation of the famous online Google workspace that houses many Google tools.  This paper holistically takes a look at this Google Workplace and the surrounding Tools. The paper analytically discussed the various tools such as Gmail, Chat, Meet, Calendar, Drive for storage; Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms and Google Scholar among others and where and how they can be applied and utilized by librarians and libraries towards enhancing their services to their heterogeneous users in a digital ecosystem as well as the skills librarians need to acquire for optimal utilization of the Google Workplace and the surrounding products.  At the end of it all, the paper drew its conclusion and suggested among other things that Librarians with the support of library management should be trained on how to manage and utilize to the fullest various Google Tools and that all university library websites should be Google connect as to have all staff create a Gmail account with which they can access all Google products and the library should as well create corporate Gmail account and link with which all staff should be mandated to utilize Google Scholar tool to enhance the university visibility online and quick staff identity verification.

Keywords: Gmail, Google tools, Google workplace, Google+, Information and Communication Technology, Librarians, Library, Library Services

Use of Cloud Maintenance Practices for Metadata Management in Federal University Libraries in North Central States of Nigeria (Published)

This research investigates the adoption of cloud maintenance practices for metadata management in federal university libraries within the North Central states of Nigeria. Metadata management is a critical component of library operations, ensuring the organization, retrieval, and preservation of digital resources. By leveraging cloud technologies, libraries can enhance metadata accuracy, security, and accessibility while addressing challenges like data loss and resource limitations. The study employed a quantitative methodology using a cross-sectional survey design to collect data from seven federal universities, analyzing cloud practices, their impact on metadata management, and the challenges faced. Findings revealed the adoption of advanced practices such as encryption, automated performance monitoring, and disaster recovery strategies, significantly enhancing metadata reliability and security. However, foundational practices like standardized metadata schemas and frequent backups were less consistently implemented, indicating gaps in a holistic cloud strategy. The study also identified key challenges, including inadequate IT infrastructure, insufficient funding, lack of skilled personnel, and cybersecurity threats, which hinder the effective adoption and sustainability of cloud maintenance practices. These barriers, compounded by issues like poor internet connectivity and resistance to technology adoption, limit the libraries’ ability to fully leverage cloud technologies. To overcome these challenges, the study recommends targeted investments in IT infrastructure, staff training, and secure funding mechanisms, alongside strengthening both foundational and advanced cloud practices. By addressing these areas, federal university libraries can achieve more effective metadata management, ensuring improved service delivery and the sustainability of their digital resource management systems.

Keywords: IT infrastructure, Library, Management, cloud maintenance, digital resource, metadata

Blockchain Technology as a Tool for Effective Library Services in a Digital Era: Conceptual Analysis (Published)

The Blockchain technology as one of the newest technologies of the millennium is not only opening new opportunities in financial services but also may be implemented for optimal service delivery in Libraries since it is notable for being a reliable technology that helps with security, preservation and reliability of data.  This paper takes a conceptual look at blockchain technology and where it can be applied in libraries for effective library services delivery in this digital era.  The paper apart from taking a holistic look at the concept, also treated the features of the technology which revolves around the three main properties of blockchain technology: decentralization, transparency and immutability which have helped it gain wide spread acclaim as well as benefits of integrating blockchain technology in library operations which include that the technology has the potential to enhance library operations in areas as, digital preservation and tracking, community-based collections to share objects, tools and services, inter library loan and voucher system, library verification of credentials (information literacy) and also, library card and Archives/special collections where provenance and authenticity are essential with each sub-heading  substantiated with image for clarity.  After which, conclusion that blockchain technology has the potential for revolutionizing library management practices and that integrating blockchain into library practices may likely improve the state of security in libraries, enhance transparency and accessibility of library collections, transforming the bounders of digital preservation and intellectual property management was drawn and recommendations which include among others that before libraries launch blockchain technology, librarians should keep in mind blockchain project such as programmers, project management team and visionary staff from the libraries, resources and finance in that before launching blockchain technology, proper resources and finances are required noting that a blockchain solution for data alignment might be affordable and feasible if libraries have sufficient funds for the project were made.

Keywords: Database, Digital Era, Library, Library Services, blockchain technology, cryptographic, digital ledger

Utilization of School Library and Students’ Academic Achievement in Abuja Federal Capita Territory (Published)

This study was conducted to determine the influence of school library utilization on the performance of secondary school student in Abuja FCT. Two research questions and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study was all 16362 students in public secondary schools in Abuja Metropolis. A sample of 579 students was selected to take part in the study using simple random sampling technique. An instrument entitled “Utilization of School Library and Students’ Academic Achievement Questionnaire (USLSAAQ)” was used in collecting data for the study. The instrument was validated by three experts and test re-test reliability was conducted for the instrument. A reliability coefficient of .81 was obtained for the instrument using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Data collected for the study were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions and independent t-test to test the hypothesis. The findings of the study indicated that there is a significant influence of library utilization on academic achievement of students in Abuja Metropolis. It was recommended among others that government should provide all secondary schools in Abuja metropolis with modern and functional libraries.


Keywords: Influence, Library, Performance, Utilization

User Information Needs and Reference Services Satisfaction at Selected Federal Universities Libraries in North-Eastern Nigeria (Published)

One of the most important criteria for assessing a library is the level of satisfaction its users express with the service they get. The extent to which the library is able to anticipate user needs and integrate such predictions into collection development is a crucial aspect in influencing the level of satisfaction users have with the library’s service. As a general concept, “user satisfaction” refers to how satisfied users are with a service or product they have used; as a more specific term, “library user satisfaction,” it is used to describe how happy library patrons are with the library’s collection and services. The study used a descriptive survey technique with a sample size of 288 postgraduate students randomly selected from four different Federal Universities in Northeast Nigeria. The data was collected by closed-ended questionnaire, and the resulting psychometrics include a CRV=1 and r-coefficient of 0.83. Frequency counts and percentages, together with chi-square tests at the 0.05 significance level, were used to examine the data. The study established that graduate students asked reference librarians for the same types of information but were dissatisfied with the level of service they received from librarians at their respective institutions. The results reveal a linear correlation between all the factors; therefore, it stands to reason that the chosen universities have the same information needs and levels of user satisfaction.

Citation: Inuwa Bukar, Grace Wambui Kimani and Wekalao Namande (2022) User Information Needs and Reference Services Satisfaction at Selected Federal Universities Libraries in North-Eastern Nigeria, International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies, Vol.8, No.3, pp.24-33



Keywords: Graduate Students, Library, reference librarian, reference service, user satisfaction

Perceived Constraints to the Utilization of ICT Facilities in Selected University Libraries in Imo State, Nigeria (Published)

Citation: Ijeoma Irene Bernard., Doris Chinyere Obiano and Chioma Esther Osuji (2022) Perceived Constraints to the Utilization of ICT Facilities in Selected University Libraries in   Imo State, Nigeria, International Journal of Library and Information Science Studies, Vol.8, No.1, pp.33-38

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the challenges of utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities in two selected University Libraries in Imo State. A sample size of sixty (60) library staff from the two selected University Libraries was used. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the major constraints faced in use of ICT tools include epileptic power supply, lack of access to ICT facilities and lack of adequate office/accomodation. From the above findings, the study recommended that the institutions should go ahead to acquire more current and relevant ICT facilities that are not yet available. That the staff should be given free access to the facilities and provide adequate office space for operations. There should be regular training of staff on ICT both in-house and otherwise so that staff will be more equipped to use the facilities for enhancement.

Keywords: ICT, Library, Staff, Universities, facilities

Strategic Approach to Networking and Promotion of Information Products and Services in Nigerian University Libraries: With Focus to University Libraries in Imo State Nigeria (Published)

Library networking entails sharing the resources of a library with users of other libraries. This article explored various resources and services shared between university libraries in Imo State. It also identified the rationale for the networking. Also it identified some networking tools/ platforms utilized in the course of the networking. The study gave some benefits derived towards improving information resources and services through networking. Finally it identified some of the factors hindering effective information resources and services networking and promotion. Descriptive survey research method was employed to investigate a total population of 49 academic librarians in university libraries in Imo State. The structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the research of which the totality of the questionnaire representing 100% were duly filled and returned for analysis. Findings revealed the resources and services that were networked and shared. It also revealed the rationale behind the networking and promotion of information resources and services. The findings discovered some of the tools used in the networking and promotion of the information resources. The study also identified some benefits towards improving networking and promotion of information resources and services finally the study revealed the factors hindering effective networking and promotion of information resources and services.

Keywords: Information, Library, Networking, Promotion, University, information products

Yaba College of Technology Library: Resources Utilisation for Effective Services Delivery to Users Community (Published)

The paper looked at Yaba College of Technology, library Lagos in the provision of information resources and services to students and staff of the institution.  Questionnaire was the  instrument use  for  gathering  data from   One hundred (100) respondents which  were randomly selected out of which eighty (80) were returned and found useful for the study. This research revealed  that majority of the respondents were aware of the existence of library  in the  school  but  do not  fully  utilized  it  because the information  resources  of the library  are  outdated   that  could not meet  information needs of user  due to the above constraints the respondents   look elsewhere  to get their  information  need  satisfied.  The study then gave some recommendations as a way forward to promote effective service delivery by the library to the target users. Amongst these is that there is a need to have a functional library with modern information resources (ICT) with qualified personnel with adequate skills essential for effective utilization of e- resources. In order to ensure that staff of the library is efficient in their daily services delivery library as essential information center should at least once in a year attend a skill acquisition programme relevant to their areas of operations.  In order for the library to play its role, especially in this Information age, it must be adequately funded by the government and other stakeholders. The failure of academic library like that of  Yaba College of Technology has been largely responsible for failure of Nigerian  academic institutions in   overall global rating of the academic institution in which Yaba College of technology is known as one of the foremost academic institutions  in the  world  assessment team  

Keywords: Availability, Information resources, Library, Utilization, services delivery

Assessment of digital literacy skills of 21st century librarians in private university libraries in Anambra state (Published)

The purpose of this study was to assess digital literacy skills of 21st century librarians in private university libraries in Anambra State. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The area of the study was Anambra State located in the South East Geopolitical Region of Nigeria. The population of the study comprised all the 23 practicing librarians in the three private university libraries in Anambra State. The entire population was used because it was small and manageable. The questionnaire was the research instruments used for data collection. The instrument was validated by two experts from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University library. Data collected was analyzed using mean scores. 2.50 was used as the benchmark. The major findings of the study includes that academic librarians in private universities in Anambra State possess digital literacy skills, the librarians sponsor themselves to training on digital literacy, they attend trainings twice a year and power failure and poor internet are the challenges librarians in private universities in Anambra State face. Based on the findings, the study recommends among others that academic librarians working in private universities in Anambra State should endeavor to acquire all the digital literacy skills required for perfect service delivery; the management of private university libraries in Anambra State should provide financial sponsorship to the academic librarians for digital literacy skill acquisition and professional development in general; librarians should attend trainings on digital literacy skills more often, standby power generating source and strong internet bandwidth should be provided for the libraries.

Keywords: Digital Literacy, Librarians, Library, Skills, digital resources

Impact of integration of Information and Communication Technologies in Library Instruction Methodology on students in Federal Universities in Nigeria (Published)

The study is on the impact the integration of ICT in library instruction methodology has on students in federal universities in Nigeria.  The study adopted a random sampling method with a sampled population of 496 derived from 2018/2019 session 100 level students.  Two major instruments were developed for data collection and validated by two senior lecturers from the Department of Library and Information Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria with a reliability level of 0.82 and 0.84 respectively using Cronbach alpha (α) procedure.  The outcome of the study shows that there is a diversion from the traditional method (theoretical) of instruction with the integration of ICT which enhances students’ mastery of the use of library and other related technologies.

Keywords: Federal Universities, Integration, Library, Nigeria, Students, information and communication technologies, instruction methodology

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