International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies (IJIRMMCS)

EA Journals

rumour mongers

The Monkey Pox Virus and the Inherent Danger in Rumour Mongering: Focus On Nigeria Print Media Reportage of the Crisis (Published)

The prerogative of this exercise is the reportage of the monkey box virus by Nigerian print media. In spite of the horrendous deaths and turbulence imposed on Nigerians by the dreaded Ebola plague in the later part of 2014, Nigerians now face another grim pestilence; the monkey pox virus. This study is adopting the qualitative approach and secondary sources of newspaper publications as relevant literature. This inquiry derives its theoretical foundation from the agenda setting perspective. In spite of alarming rumours of forced vaccinations on school children, the study through relevant newspaper publications reveals the Nigerian print media, transcending through ethnic, religious and cultural barriers, conducted a high degree of coverage to create public awareness of the virus. The paper recommends synergy between the government and the media to create public awareness against the dread of monkey pox. This is appropriate antidote to galvanise standardized template in creating public awareness of communicable diseases. As sensitization by the Nigerian media was crucial in the demise of the 2014 Ebola crisis, the media, particularly newspapers have excelled in creating overwhelming public awareness and sanitation procedure to contain the monkey pox virus incursion into the Nigeria.

Keywords: Crisis, Monkey Pox Disease, Print Media, Public health communication, Reportage, rumour mongers

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