International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies (IJIRMMCS)

EA Journals


A Survey on Mortality of Selected Newspapers During Covid-19 Era in Nigeria (Published)

This study was carried out to investigate the mortality of Newspapers during COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design. Findings revealed that COVID-19 lockdown measures, poor readership, low patronage, low advertising patronage, dwindling economic factor, limited circulation and high production cost were the major factors that threatened the survival of Newspaper in Nigeria. The study concluded that during pandemics like the COVID-19, Newspaper industry faces a number of challenges that threaten its survival but strategies that can prevent it from total collapse if properly adopted also exist. It recommended therefore that Newspaper operators and managers should recognize the fact that during pandemic outbreaks such as COVID-19, lockdown measures, poor readership, low patronage, low advertising patronage, dwindling economic factor, limited circulation and high production cost may pose challenges to the survival of Newspapers. Consequently, the recognition of this fact is a first step towards overcoming the challenges when need arises

Citation:  Tsebee  K.A., and  Bojuto  G. (2022) A Survey on Mortality of Selected Newspapers During Covid-19 Era in Nigeria, International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies, Vol.8, No.3, pp.48-61

Keywords: COVID-19, Mortality, Newspapers, Nigeria, selected

Historical Appraisal of Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe’s Contributions to Nigeria’s Journalism (Published)

Citation: Andrew Asan Ate  and Joseph Omoh Ikerodah (2022)  Historical Appraisal of Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe’s Contributions to Nigeria’s Journalism, International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies, Vol.8, No.1, pp.1-18

Abstract: Founding fathers of the Nigerian press have made tremendous contributions to journalism practice in the country. This paper takes a look at the contributions of two towering founding fathers of the Nigerian press- Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, from historical research perspective, digging into archival materials from media historians and evidences from the duo major publications: Nigerian Tribune and The West African Pilot respectively. The work which is anchored on the gatekeeping concept of the media has put in proper perspective the contributions of two media icons of the mid-twentieth century Nigeria’s journalism for academic and professional scrutiny. Lessons from the professional ups and downs of the probed veteran journalists and their relationship with their audience will, in no small measure, justify the social relevance of the discourse. The study recommends among other things that journalism institutions in the country should identify and teach contributions of the founding fathers of the Nigerian press to enable young journalists have a solid foundation in their profession. The study also recommends among other things that modern day journalists in Nigeria should sustain the fire brand journalism practice of the duo which appears to have gone into extinction.

Keywords: Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Journalism, Newspapers, Nigerian press

The contributions of Social Media as sources of information to the Newspapers in Tanzania (Published)

The attention of this study was to examine the contributions made by social media as “sources of information” to the newspapers in Tanzania. Specifically, the study examined the extent through which social media had contributed news stories for the selected newspapers in the country. The study also sought to determine the social media which had often contributed news stories to the selected newspapers. Lastly, the study, pursued to determine the contents and nature of the stories retrieved from the social media by the selected newspapers. This was a content analysis study which utilized documentary review of the three selected newspapers. Three newspapers of Mwananchi, Daily News, and the Citizen were purposefully selected for the study. A recording manual was designed and used during the documentary review and the unit of analysis included: hard news stories, soft news stories, column, editorial comment, features and sports stories. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data since the study carried qualitative data. The findings suggest that social media have played a significant contribution in providing news stories for the newspapers in Tanzania. It further suggest that, in all social media used, Twitter is the number one social media which provides more news stories to the newspapers in Tanzania. Lastly, the findings suggest that most of the news stories retrieved from social media were political stories, entertainment, and sports.

Keywords: Contribution, Newspapers, Social media, Tanzania, as sources of information

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