International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies (IJIRMMCS)

EA Journals


The Roles of Diaspora Community in Indonesia – Taiwan Relations (Published)

This article describes the potential roles of diaspora community in Indonesia and Taiwan relations. Diaspora community is important to Indonesia and Taiwan relations in the context of people to people and business to business relations as back bone of Indonesia and Taiwan relations since there is no diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Taiwan. Indonesian diaspora has potential roles in number, and Taiwanese diaspora (overseas Chinese) has potential in investment and trade. However, Indonesian diaspora still handled as non-government organization, while Taiwan already have special institution to handle it in the context of overseas community relations. Diaspora play important roles to spread information and develop positive image of the country, but it still need to improve common understanding between Taiwanese and Indonesian vice versa. This non-government relation may spill over to the higher level relations in term of government relations.

Keywords: Diaspora, Indonesia, Relations, Taiwan

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