International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies (IJIRMMCS)

EA Journals

gratification and use theory

Understanding Muslim Preaching Students’ Use of Social Media (Published)

The purpose of this study is to find out Muslim students preachers use of social media for preaching purposes. This study is employes quantitative method. Survey was distributed to 90 students within Islamic Communication department at State Institut for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu. The finding show that most students agree that the use of social media can help them to acces new information relating to Islamic knowledge. The students also agree that the social media can help them to build personal identity because the interact with other preachers in online space. More importantly, the use of social media has increased their knowledge regarding how to deliver preaching. As a result, they believe that the use social media can help them to deliver dakwah or preaching easily because it can reduce time and hinder geographical barriers. We argue that the findings may effect Islamic education institution to change their students’ perspective in delivering dakwah with new media.

Keywords: IAIN Palu., Social media, Students, da'wah, gratification and use theory

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