International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies (IJIRMMCS)

EA Journals


Anambra State Residents’ Attitude towards Radio Campaigns Messages on Compliance to Covid-19 Protocols (Published)

The study examined Anambra state residents’ attitude towards radio campaign messages on compliance to covid-19 protocols, with the objectives includes: to determine the level of awareness of Anambra state residents to radio campaigns messages of covid-19 protocols; to determine the extent radio campaigns influenced residents’ compliance to use of face masks and to ascertain the level of influence of radio campaigns on residents’ compliance to hand washing etiquette. The forms of delivering the campaigns considered were radio jingles, radio dramas, public service announcements, and sponsored health talks. The Population for the study was 5,932,516, four hundred (400) participants were surveyed across six (6) purposively selected local government areas in Anambra State. The study found that majority of the residents are highly aware and knowledgeable about COVID-19 radio campaign messages. The study also found that the radio campaign messages has highly influenced the audience to use face masks and also adhere to hand washing protocol.

Keywords: COVID-19, Compliance, attitude, radio campaigns

Adapting Social Media Use for Lecturer-Student Communication in A Post Covid-19 Era in Nigeria (Published)

This study was conducted to x-ray the possibility of adapting social media for lecturer-student communication in a post-covid-19 era in Nigeria. The researchers anchored this study on the Technological Acceptance Model. This study adopted the online survey method. At the end of the data collection, students and lecturers of twelve (12) tertiary institutions in the country participated in the study; however, there were more students (85%) in the sampled population than lecturers (15%). The study established statistically using the chi-square test of independence that at a significant level of 0.05, students and lecturers of the sampled Nigerian tertiary institutions significantly used social media platforms for lecturers-students’ communication, with WhatsApp ranking the most used platform; also, social media platforms were significantly easy to use and valuable for lecturer-student communication in sampled Nigerian tertiary institutions. However, the use of social media significantly affected lecturer-student communication in sampled Nigerian tertiary institutions in a negative way by creating room for familiarity, which had tendencies to breed contempt. The researchers recommended that lecturers and students be cautious and polite when communicating using social media platforms. Students, most significantly, were employed not to misplace the use of social media in communication for informality.

Citation: Olannye-Okonofua D., and   and Oji M. (2023) Adapting Social Media Use for Lecturer-Student Communication in A Post Covid-19 Era in Nigeria, International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies, Vol.9, No.1, pp.1-22

Keywords: COVID-19, Lecturer, Social media, Student, Tertiary, communication

A Survey on Mortality of Selected Newspapers During Covid-19 Era in Nigeria (Published)

This study was carried out to investigate the mortality of Newspapers during COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design. Findings revealed that COVID-19 lockdown measures, poor readership, low patronage, low advertising patronage, dwindling economic factor, limited circulation and high production cost were the major factors that threatened the survival of Newspaper in Nigeria. The study concluded that during pandemics like the COVID-19, Newspaper industry faces a number of challenges that threaten its survival but strategies that can prevent it from total collapse if properly adopted also exist. It recommended therefore that Newspaper operators and managers should recognize the fact that during pandemic outbreaks such as COVID-19, lockdown measures, poor readership, low patronage, low advertising patronage, dwindling economic factor, limited circulation and high production cost may pose challenges to the survival of Newspapers. Consequently, the recognition of this fact is a first step towards overcoming the challenges when need arises

Citation:  Tsebee  K.A., and  Bojuto  G. (2022) A Survey on Mortality of Selected Newspapers During Covid-19 Era in Nigeria, International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies, Vol.8, No.3, pp.48-61

Keywords: COVID-19, Mortality, Newspapers, Nigeria, selected

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