International Journal of Environment and Pollution Research (IJEPR)

EA Journals


Environmental Literacy Education as a Necessary Pedestal for Domestication of the Green Campus Concept: The Challenge for Nigerian Universities (Published)

The threats of global unsustainable social and economic activities to man’s environment, especially in the early 1990’s, gave rise to International Conferences and Summits that considered, among other things, what colleges and universities should do to bring about a sustainable future for mankind. Along the line, the Green Campus Concept was born out of a Blueprint for a Green Campus developed in one of the said Summits. The Blueprint outlines guidelines for domesticating the Concept, including the use of Environmental Literacy/Sustainability Education to actualize the domestication process. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the necessity of environmental literacy/sustainability education as a pedestal for development of Green Campus Initiatives and the challenge this poses to Nigerian Universities. Based on the result of her recent related research study, the author of this paper has made critical suggestions that could help in tackling the challenge.

Keywords: Domestication, Environmental literacy education, Nigerian Universities, green campus blueprint, green campus concept, green campus initiatives.

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