International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals


The Impact of Using Task-Based Learning as a Pedagogical Tool to Imporve Advanced Writing Skills of Students in College of Basic Education Kuwait (Published)

This study explored how task-based learning was used in teaching advanced writing at the College of Basic Education in Kuwait. Students were able to submit a research paper based on task-based teaching methods and activities. The task-based learning program supported students in the advanced writing course to achieve the stated goal by incorporating the four language skills into the tasks of the classroom lesson. Moreover, the activities reflected in the task-based teaching method encouraged the students to think about the language they were using in a more holistic manner, synergizing the language skills through focused exercises. Other factors, such as learner motivation, group work, and culture are discussed in the paper.

Citation:  Al-Senafi  B. and  Al-Haji  B. (2023) The Impact of Using Task-Based Learning as a Pedagogical Tool to Imporve Advanced Writing Skills of Students in College of Basic Education Kuwait, International Journal of English Language Teaching ,  Vol.11, No.2, pp.,61-71

Keywords: Adult Learners, Culture, Motivation, Teaching English, task-based learning, writing

Developing an Instrument to Assess EFL Learners’ Critical Thinking Skills in Writing Expository Problem-Solution Essays (Published)

Learning activities that utilize a problem-solving approach are an effort to train students’ critical thinking skills. However, to determine the success of learning that develops students’ critical thinking skills, teachers should be able to measure the skills using the right instrument. This study is aimed to develop an assessment instrument to measure EFL learners’ critical thinking skills in writing expository problem-solution essays. The participants of the study were advanced students of Academic Writing who participated in the pilot study small and large scales. The analysis found that the scores yielded by the two raters were valid and reliable (r value obtained was .987 and α value for each component was higher than r table .320). Furthermore, the score on each component of assessment namely the depth of analysis was .640, the feasibility of solution was .667, the logic of argument was .795 and the use of evidence was .908. These scores are greater than the R table which means that the scores are valid. This suggests that the test instrument and the scoring rubric can be used in assessing EFL students’ critical thinking skills particularly on the ability to analyze an issue, propose suitable solution, provide logic argument, and use of relevant evidence.

Citation: Jumariati1, Eka Puteri Elyani, Nawal & Suci Arthyara Larasati (2022) Developing an Instrument to Assess EFL Learners’ Critical Thinking Skills in Writing Expository Problem-Solution Essays, International Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.10, No.5, pp.,30-37

Keywords: critical thinking skills, expository essay, problem-solution, writing

Teaching English Writing Remotely During Covid-19 in College of Basic Education Kuwait (Published)

This paper deals with teaching writing as a process at the college of Basic Education Kuwait. It talks about the changes that had to be implemented in the times of COVID-19 and any challenges needed to be overcome.

Keywords: Adult Learners, Teaching English, writing, writing as a process education

Vol 9, Issue 5, 2021 ()

Keywords: Adult Learners, Teaching English, writing, writing as a process education

News Presentation in Class as an Activity to Teach Integrated Skills in EFL in Africa (Published)

To make their learners achieve good competency in second or foreign language, teachers need to be careful in the choice of techniques, approaches and activities they use. Unfortunately, many teachers and course books separate the four macro skills in their teaching approach. The language which should be seen as a whole is taught in a segregated way, i. e. with whole lessons / sessions on listening, speaking, reading or writing skills. Language, whose prime objective is communication, is thus compartmentalised and leads to poor users. A good reader, listener or writer of a language is not necessarily a competent user of it in real communication situations. This paper proposes the presentation of news in class as an activity to integrate the four macro skills in teaching English as a Foreign Language. It is an exercise which involves the active participation of the whole class, considerably reduces the teacher talking time while increasing that of the learners.

Keywords: Integrated Skills, Listening, News, Participation, Reading, Speaking, writing

The Challenges Facing the Students of the Higher Basic Stage in Jordanian Public Schools in Writing English (Published)

The study aims to identify the challenges facing the tenth grade students in Jordanian public schools in writing the English language. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher followed the analytical descriptive approach in terms of applying the study tool and data collection and analysis, While the sample of the study consisted of (50) teachers of English language. The study found that there are a number of challenges facing students in writing the English language was the most prominent Letters followed by a vowel, the researcher recommended The need for many of the studies on different regions of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to find out the real reasons for poor students in learning English writing.

Keywords: Challenges, English Language, writing

Enhancing Skills of Teaching and Learning EFL at Tertiary Level Using Culture-Based Approach and Cognitive Perspective (Published)

Today, Englishes is concerned with the expansion of English around the world and with its development into distinctive first, second and foreign language varieties, these having been subject to different classifications and models of analysis. In most universities in Vietnam English is the compulsory subject and the requirement set for English level among graduate students is getting more demanding. The reason is policy makers and curriculum designers are oriented by international exams to modify their English programs. Hence, students are required to produce free writing as well as achieve an adequate reading ability and some other skills. Nonetheless, many of them cannot cope with the program as they encounter difficulties both objective and subjective. This paper examines possible subjective and objective hindrances among Vietnamese students as well as Asian students, the goals they should hit in today era and solutions to tackle with the problem. Here it proposes the use of culture-based approach and cognitive perspective to pinpoint Asian thinking and its influence on English performance and to find an answer to improving students’ skills with detailed analysis on activities to be implemented in English classes. More importantly, the paper also gives implications for curriculum designers in order to make teachers, learners and topic learning into consideration as it is a significant factor in determining quantity, quality, and nature of classroom interaction. The aim of this paper is to raise stakeholders’ awareness of TESOL professionals about the cultural issues related to language education and to provoke further research, thought, and discussion about ways in which theories and practices can be applied in ESL/EFL teaching situations.

Keywords: Asian Students, Cognitive Perspective, Culture-Based Approach, Reading skills, writing

Observing Contextual Teaching and Learning on Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text (Case Study: Smp Swasta Bina Bangsa, Batubara Regency) (Published)

Contextual learning theory  occurs only when students (learners) process new information or knowledge in such a way that it makes sense to them in their own frames of reference (their own inner worlds of memory, experience, and response). This approach to learning and teaching assumes that the mind naturally seeks meaning in context-that is, in relation to the person’s current environment-and that it does so by searching for relationships that make sense and appear useful.   This study is intended to discover the effect of contextual teaching and learning on students’ achievement in writing recount text. It is conducted at eight (VIII) grade students of SMP Swasta Bina Bangsa,  Batubara Regency. Based on the calculation, it shows that the reliability of the test is 0.99. Then, after analyzing the data, it was found that the value is 5.65 with the degree of freedom (df) = 38 at the level of significance p(0.05) = 2.024. It means that it is higher than tt (5.65 > 2.024). The result  shows that contextual teaching and learning has a significant effect on students’ achievement in writing recount text in this school.

Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learning, Recount Text, Students’ Achievement, writing

The Improvement of Students’ Writing Skill Achievement through Error Analysis Method (Published)

This research attempts at knowing the effectiveness of Error Analysis Method toward the students’ achievement in English writing skill and their perceptions to Error Analysis Method (hereafter EAM) for teaching and learning writing. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this research are 31 students of the third semester of English Department of State University of Medan of 2012/2013 academic year. The instrument for collecting data is essay writing test. The data are analysed by descriptive analysis. The results of the research shows that 1) the students’ achievement in English writing skill is (76.74) in average or it increases (17.32) basis points from the pre-test (59.42) in average and 2) in general, the students have positive and good perceptions toward Error Analysis Method for teaching and learning writing skill of English. This implies that the implementation of EAM is significantly effective to improve students’ writing skill.

Keywords: Error, Error Analysis Method, writing

Vol 4, Issue 3, March 2016 ()

Keywords: Error, Error Analysis Method, writing

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