International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals


The Impact of Task Repetition on Fluency, Accuracy, and Complexity (Published)

A number of strategies, which can utilize various tasks to develop accuracy, fluency, and complexity in language have been proposed. With past studies indicating that repetition of tasks have a positive effect on these basic goals of speech while today’s studies contradict the same, it was interesting carrying out a study on this topic. The study was to examine the kind of influence that task repetition has on the students’ performance in terms of accuracy, fluency, and complexity. Two pairs of students were given a describing-picture task, which was repeated two times. Unexpectedly, the results were opposite to that indicated in the literature. The result revealed that repetition of tasks had no remarkable effect on the students’ performance. This was a clear deviation from the findings of the past studies, which had shown a clear relationship between task repetition and the three basic goals of speech. This study will highlight on the methodologies, analysis, results, and the subsequent conclusions that were reached during the study

Keywords: Accuracy, Complexity, Fluency, Task, repetition

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