International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals



This paper is on human resource management and effective curriculum implementation in senior secondary schools in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. It is a survey research which employed a descriptive design. The study sampled 113 teachers drawn from 1045 English language teachers using stratified random sampling which include the principals, vice principals and deans of studies in Ebonyi State. Questionnaire was used as the instrument. A trial test was carried out and ascertained the validity and reliability of the instrument and a value of 0.89 was obtained from the test. Responses from all the questionnaire indicated that adequate human resources such as teachers language laboratory operators and school administers, motivation of teachers and school location can improve English language curriculum implementation in senior secondary schools in Ebonyi State. The hypothesis indicated that there is no significant difference in the opinion of teachers in the urban and rural areas. Some of the recommendations given were that the government should embark on recruitment of qualified English language teachers, workshops be organized for teachers and allow them attend other workshops organized outside their schools. Wages of secondary school teachers should be reviewed and that teachers should show more commitment in discharging their duties.

Keywords: Curriculum, English Language, Human Resource Management, Implementation, Motivation, Teacher

The Study on Motivation and Anxiety of English Learning of Students at a Taiwan Technical University (Published)

The purpose of this study is to investigate inner motivation and anxiety of English learning as it is experienced by English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners with respect to various majors, differences in genders and language proficiency. Specifically, it studies EFL students at a technical university in Taiwan. This study surveyed and analyzed 857 freshmen from a technical university in Taiwan. Based on the analyses of structural equation modeling, the results indicated that English learning anxiety impacted English learning motivation in different ways depending on genders and majors. On the other hand, English learning anxiety had little effect on English learning motivation for the different levels of language proficiency groups, especially for learners in the intermediate group. Generally speaking, most of the learners were prone to instrumental rather than integrative motivation in terms of learning English, and their levels of English language class anxiety were higher than their levels of English use and test anxiety. The findings can help clarify the nature of both English learning anxiety and English learning motivation as psychological constructs to students

Keywords: Anxiety, English Learning, Motivation, Taiwan English Learners

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