International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

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medical terminology

Nursing Students’ Medical Terminology Learning Strategies (Published)

This study is concerned with the learning of medical terminology by nursing students at the Northern College of Nursing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It aims to investigate the use of learning strategies in relation to medical vocabulary use. The subjects under study included Four college nursing majors at Northern College of Nursing. Participants’ mid-term scores and medical terminology learning strategy questionnaire were used to inquire students’ use of learning strategies. The results of this study indicated that students in general prefer to use written repetition, verbal repetition, bilingual dictionary strategies. In addition, the students most proficient in medical terminology used various kinds of strategies more often than the less proficient students. Implications of these and other findings are discussed and suggestions are made regarding the teaching of strategies of learning medical terms in medical terminology courses.

Citation: Ahmed R B.A. (2022) Nursing Students’ Medical Terminology Learning Strategies, International Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.10, No.7, pp.,50-62


Keywords: L2 vocabulary learning strategies, Nursing Students, bilingual dictionary strategies, medical terminology

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