International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT)

EA Journals


Using Raft Strategy to Improve EFL Learners’ Writing Competency in Paragraph Writing Course at the University Of Hail-KSA (Published)

Teaching writing in English  for University students needs to be improved from time to time through creative ways. To develop writing skills, learners should follow the process of learning of how to get ideas, how to put these ideas together, how to organize them on paper, and finally how to refine them into a good cohesive piece of writing. This research aimed to find out how the implementation of RAFT (Role, Audience, Format and Topic) strategy enhanced learners’ writing competency in: argumentative, descriptive, comparison – contrast, and cause – effect types of paragraphs. T-test analysis results showed that there were significant differences in students’ writing competency between the two groups in favor of the experimental. In spite of the fact that the effect of RAFT strategy was not very high, it was recommended that English teachers who have similar problems in the classroom to apply RAFT strategy in their writing class

Keywords: Argumentative, Cause And Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Descriptive, RAFT

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