Competitive behavior questionnaire is an instrument that is used to determine how strongly individu competes in achieving certain superior targets. Competitive behavior is a behavior to achieve a superior position with respect to the personal targets to be addressed (Gracia, Tor & Schff, 2013). Theory of competitive behavior is developed from Cognitive Social theory, as a result of individual interaction, with its environment (Bandura, 1986). One form of competitive behavior is survival in studying at the level of undergraduate education. However, this competitive behavior has not been widely studied. Therefore, instrument that can be used as a tool is needed to find out appropriate competitive behavior of individuals. In this study, a competitive behavior questionnaire was prepared based on aspects of the drive to compete, the desire to achieve superior positions and self-representation. In total there are 14 aitems with validity score more than 0.30. The reliability score was 0.81.
Keywords: Competitive behavior, Measurement, Psychology, Questionnaire