Effectiveness of Process Approach in College Basic Education (Published)
The purpose of this qualitative research study is to understand the relationship between learning English writing through the process approach and the perception of this approach among future teachers. To achieve this objective, the study utilized a questionnaire design that was analyzed through the lens of constructivism. Ten participants completed the questionnaires for the study of first- and second-year students in the education program. The 20-question questionnaire was divided into five sections to reflect the stages of the writing processes and the intention to use this process in future practice. The findings of the study indicate that there is a positive perception of the process approach, with a few minor outliers, and a strong intention to utilize the approach in their future practice. Recommendations emerged from the challenges that were identified to include a need for additional feedback and increased direction for some students. Recommendations for further research are included to strengthen the findings of this study.
Keywords: English writing, Process Approach, Teaching Strategies, future teachers
Development of Anecdote Text Writing Teaching Materials Based on Process Approach for Students Class X Sma Negeri 1 Stabat (Published)
This study aims to: (1) describe the development of anecdote text writing based on process approach in class X SMA Negeri 1 Stabat, (2) describe the results of expert material assessment and design of teaching material of anecdote text based on process approach; (3) know the effectiveness of anecdote text teaching material based on process approach This type of research is a developmental study based on the development model of Borg and Gall. The test subject consists of material experts, design experts, Indonesian teachers, and students class X SMA Negeri 1 Stabat. The validation results of the material experts in the development of anecdote text writing teaching material based on the process approach showed that the average acquired 95.1% with very good criteria. The results of the design experts average acquisition of 85.5% with very good criteria. Results of data obtained from two Indonesian teachers showed that the teaching material in the form of anecdote text writing module based on the process approach for students class X SMA 1 Stabat developed is according to needs analysis. Tests on students class X SMA 1 Stabat showed that (1) the average percentage of individual trials is 79.8%. with “good” criteria, (2) the average percentage of small group trials is 84.02% with “very good” criteria, and (3) the mean percentage of the limited field group test is 83,04% with “very good” criteria. The effectiveness of experimental product experiment results has increased from pretest to posttest. In the pretest conducted obtained an average of 71.25. then on the post test obtained an average of 80.25. This proves that the teaching material to write anecdote text based on the process approach for students class X SMA 1 Stabat is more effective with a significant difference of 9% as well as worthy of use as an independent material.
Keywords: Anecdote Text, Process Approach, Teaching Material