International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

Multi-dimensional Analysis

Multidimensional Analysis of The Integration Factors of ICT in Education: A Case Study Through The Moroccan Genie Program (Published)

With the aim of ensuring scientific dissemination that we describe the English version of our article published in French in ESJ (Samiha, 2016). This article focuses on the integration of ICT in high-school level within the framework of teaching of Life and Earth Sciences (SVT in French). The experimentation was conducted with a sample of 112 Moroccan teachers from the region of Fez-Boulemane, who responded to a questionnaire of 16 modalities related to the availability and the use of ICT tools, the educational management of ICT in class, and the trainings and competencies of the teachers in ICT and computing. In order to make an original contribution to the study of the integration of ICT, we adopted a multidimensional analysis in the treatment of the answers of the teachers. Thus, thanks to a Factorial Analysis of Multiple Correspondence (FAMC), we could take account of the links which exist between the various modalities of our questionnaire to get to identify the most discriminating factors in the integration of ICT, according to their order of importance. The results of this analysis led to three factorial axes cumulating an absolute inertia of 70%, respectively representing «the pedagogical contribution and the fundamental conditions of a successful integration of ICT», «the advanced competencies in ICT and computing» and «the difficulties of using ICT in class». These axes, in this hierarchy, ultimately represent the most discriminating factors for a successful integration of ICT.

Keywords: Discriminating factors, Integration of ICT, Life And Earth Sciences, Multi-dimensional Analysis, Secondary Education

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