The Changing Role of Teachers and Teaching Styles in The Classroom of High Schools in Guyana Amidst the Pandemic (Published)
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic growth has garnered attention in recent literature (Blainey & Hannay, 2021). While initial reports by Johnson et al. (2021) suggested significant negative effects, subsequent research has indicated a nuanced perspective, with a diminishing impact over time. This study investigates evolving teacher roles during the pandemic in Guyana’s schools and their influence on student performance in the Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) Examinations held annually in May/June. A comprehensive literature review contextualizes the study by highlighting pandemic-induced changes in the learning process and associated factors. This research integrates qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis by employing an exploratory sequential mixed-method approach (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018). Initial findings underscore a pedagogical shift among teachers due to the pandemic. Outcomes vary based on available resources, particularly in the context of Guyana’s schools. Notably, this research holds value for the Ministry of Education in formulating teacher and student development strategies, addressing competence and professionalism. Moreover, implications extend to the Cyril Potter College of Education, allowing the design of programs enhancing prospective teachers’ preparedness for the evolving educational landscape.
Keywords: Caribbean secondary examination certificate, methodologies, pandemic, teachers’ roles
Evaluation of E-Learning Education System in Academic Achievement and Learning Outcomes in National Open University of Nigeria (Noun), Bauchi Study Centre, Bauchi State (Published)
As technology advances, the use of Information and Communication (ICT) tools or gadgetries has proliferated in all areas of human endeavors which paved way for the use of electronic learning (e-learning) system in which teachers are no longer present in the physical classroom to teach their courses. This paper therefore evaluate the e-learning system as a mode of teaching and learning process, relevance of its usage and challenges that hinder majority of students in its usage in learning process particularly in our National Open University. This research will adopt survey research design where the researchers developed questionnaire known as Questionnaire on Usage of Electronic Learning System (QUELS) that served as an instrument for data collected. The study areas constituted Bauchi study centre of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) in the north east of Nigeria. And the population constituted all the students in the first year and second year of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) which was the sample of the study. Three (3) research questions were formulated the purpose of this research, The instrument used for data collected was validated by the experts in both fields of Computer Science and Education. Challenges such as non-availability of internet services, inability of indigent students to possess portable computer devices, irregular power supply as well as cost of accessing Internet facilities was assessed. And recommendations were given base on the findings of this research in order to see the possibilities of expanding the system in our schools at the advance level and some of the major problems facing studying electronically.
Keywords: ICT challenges, Teaching and Learning, e-learning system, methodologies