International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

Learning Independence

Contribution of Learning Independence and Learning Discipline to Elementary School Students’ Learning Outcomes (Published)

Discipline and independence in learning are very important for a student. Various theories relate that if a student has a high level of independence and discipline in learning, he will also get good learning results. It is necessary to study the contribution of learning discipline and learning independence both jointly and partially to student learning outcomes. The study has been conducted at SD N 060937 Medan Johor, with a population of all grade IV students totaling 42 people who were also used as research samples. Data were obtained through questionnaires using the Likert scale at closed interviews and supporting documents held by the school. The data were analyzed parametrically while taking into account the prerequisite tests of analysis including normality tests and homogeneity tests. test the hypothesis using the Student t test. The results showed that learning discipline and learning independence together contributed positively and significantly to the learning outcomes of grade IV students of SD N 060937 Medan Johor

Keywords: Learning Independence, Learning Outcomes, learning discipline

The Improvement of Critical Thinking Ability and the Learning Independence of SDN 067240 Students Medan Tembung through Problem Based On Learning Model at Civics Education 2016/2017 (Published)

The implementation of conventional learning process is only centered on the teacher; the students ‘learning outcomes are limited, the students’ opportunity to find their own knowledge is very low because the conventional learning model in Civics that takes place is only transferring the knowledge from the teacher to the student. This is what causes the students to have less active role in the learning process. The situation is also experienced by the students in SDN 067240 Medan Tembung based on the observations made by the researcher and the interview with one of the fourth grade teachers that most students in the school tend to learn depending on the teacher. it can be concluded that the learning strategy of Problem Based Learning is successful in improving the students’ Critical Thinking Ability on the subject of Civics in Primary School of 067240 Medan City. There is an increase in the students’ Independence Learning by using Problem-Based Learning Model rather than the Students who learned by Conventional Learning. Thus, it can be concluded that the learning strategy of Problem Based Learning is successful in increasing the students’ Independence Learning on the subject of Civics in Primary School of 067240 Medan City.

Keywords: Civic Education, Critical Thingking, Learning Independence

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