International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD)

EA Journals

Entrepreneurship education

The Effect of Using Learner-Centered Approach (LCA) on Improving Secondary School Students’ Performance in English Language: A Case Study of Some Secondary Schools in Khartoum Locality (Published)

The study discussed gender parity in mathematics and entrepreneurship education for national development. It focused on: gender parity in mathematics education for national development; gender parity in entrepreneurship education for national development. And concluded that there is wide variation in gender participation in mathematics education in Nigeria. Reviewed studies showed that female participation in mathematics oriented courses is at a very low level compare to the males. Also owing to the present demand of the society, there is increase need for job creators. Although, there is still disparities in female and male involvement in entrepreneurship but females takes the rule entrepreneurship education involvement. The study recommended that institution should design appropriate responses to gender gap that exist in mathematics oriented courses from the primary and beyond, and awareness campaigns on entrepreneurship needs, training programmes, mentoring, coaching and support networks should be provided.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship education, Gender Parity, Mathematics, National Development

Gender Parity In Mathematics And Entreprenuership Education For National Development (Published)

The study discussed gender parity in mathematics and entrepreneurship education for national development. It focused on: gender parity in mathematics education for national development; gender parity in entrepreneurship education for national development. And concluded that there is wide variation in gender participation in mathematics education in Nigeria. Reviewed studies showed that female participation in mathematics oriented courses is at a very low level compare to the males. Also owing to the present demand of the society, there is increase need for job creators. Although, there is still disparities in female and male involvement in entrepreneurship but females takes the rule entrepreneurship education involvement. The study recommended that institution should design appropriate responses to gender gap that exist in mathematics oriented courses from the primary and beyond, and awareness campaigns on entrepreneurship needs, training programmes, mentoring, coaching and support networks should be provided.


Keywords: Entrepreneurship education, Gender Parity, Mathematics, National Development

The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education Course on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Federal College of Education, Kontagora Students (Published)

Entrepreneurship education has been introduced into the General Studies of the Minimum Standards of the Nigeria Certificate in Education curriculum as a compulsory course for all students. This action of the curriculum planners is not   unconnected to the recent research findings that link entrepreneurship education to entrepreneurial practice. This study therefore sought to find the effect of an entrepreneurship course on the entrepreneurial intentions of College of Education students who are trained to teach as employees in government and private schools. Data was collected from 105 students enrolled into Science and Vocational Education programme before and after the completion the GSE 224, Entrepreneurship Education in the 2017/2018 academic session. The descriptive statistical tools were used to describe the respondents’ characteristics while the chi-square was used to test the hypotheses. Findings show that the entrepreneurship course has effect on the entrepreneurial intentions of the students. The study recommends that more entrepreneurship Education courses should be included in the curriculum.


Keywords: College of Education students, Entrepreneurship Intention, Entrepreneurship education

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